Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Monthly Pain.

Yesterday i wasn't in such a good mood, because of the monthly thing. And today, i get Mad Steamed Combust real easy. Stomach cramps yeah.. . But i guess this month my mood got real foul, not like others months. Even as i'm writing now, i'm having headache? Hmmm.. been there since my driving lesson ended.. that's called migraine. I've Got A Headache

Today i really flared up on the inside.. Totally no mood for anything. Even worse, when i went from driving i saw "Kang-kang". Usually when he teach me driving, i sure for one, feel the time is sooo loooong. He's a man of few words, and when he speaks, he will say "You ah.. not so good on this this this, and that that that.." Today, because of my bad mood, i anyhow change lane, didn't signal... forgot to MSSB (mirror, signal, side mirror, blindspot). Haiz. Thank God during my test next month, that 'days of the month' are well over.

Saw the news today. There are photos of students smooching that are circulating over the internet and it's a worrying trend. Why? This is because, the students in questions are of the same sex. Some more the photos are not just hugging, but mouth-to-mouth. I think as an adult, who's been through the ages of the youths in question, i guess it's a time where they are really curious, i'll say. And they are rather 'adventurous' in this area. Let's hope that they will grow out of it. This issue is as serious as teen-sex. Hope that they will grow out of it.

Back to myself, i got irritated easily, and whoever calls me, i felt stressed - totally- overwhelmed... So, those who called me today (S, XC) if u felt darts from my tone of voice, it's not by choice. Was just feeling stressed... tired out.

Feeling Blue

The medicated oil stinks!

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