2nd grade citizen. What does it mean to you?
Hmmm... in my house, my darling Furby, was, in Mummy's words, an Er Dong Gong Ming. Why? Well... when Furby first came to my house, mummy was so afraid of him, as that time she was super afraid of dogs. But things change the day i came back from Perth.. Mummy held Furby in her arms.. I was like

Well.. as girls, are we considered as 2nd grade citizens wherever we are? Hmmm... i don't believe the crap about equality in the family. In the business world, women are rising up. But in the house, i guess, the "Boys are priority, and girls are mediocre" theory are still very present, esp in the traditional chinese family.
As a female, i think that equality in the household, may not be possible at all. I guess it has to do with the belief systems, such as girls are like the "water that is thrown out" when they get married. Haiz. Sometimes, my heart really cringe when i watch drama serials where the daughter(s) in the show is/are ill-treated because of such MCP-ize beliefs!!
Anyway, nothing against any MCP's that reading this, but hope that if u are reading this, pls reflect. Gals are more filial ok!!
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