But well, there are many things to say.. because too many things has happened... for the good and for the bad lah.
1. Handphone bill
Ok... i must say that it's not my handphone bill of course.. I just happen to know a person whose handphone bill has really shot up the roof.. and i really mean

Moral of the story: [Boys and girls, do you know what's the moral of the story???] The moral of the story is that Balance is a key to life... Don't go beyond the boundary of what you have..
2. Why my student like that one??
Anyway, i was talking about GN.... These 2 gals are so funny... Dunno what's wrong with them.. One time the younger one RN was fidgetting.. and then GN will always threaten her saying that she will call the daddy. Guess what? Today, the roles been switched.. GN complained of eye pain.. and was like in a semi-stoned mood. So after the 1st hour, she was just .. Stoned lah.. then she cried.. and stuff like that lah.. But RN was very 乖 ... so it's a role switch..
喂 you know who u are ah.. u should be reading my blog i guess.. ur test coming next week, so pls... be more attentive can? Don't eat so much... be more diligent can???
3. Driving
赞美主!!! God has been very good... u know ah.. for the past few weeks i only drive like 2 times a week.. But this week, wha.. as i count it ah.. i drive like at least 4 times!! Wow!! Drove once to RW's house, once to GN and RN's house... once to NG's house... the other time i just can't register when and where.. But i feel that i'm really improving on my driving skills... more confidence.. Nowadays when i drive, my daddy just sit there and not really move.. Wha.. i tell u, there are some 讨厌drivers, who simply refuse to signal when they wanna turn... this really put me off sia... I hope the TP will catch them and warn them... Got saboed by a toopid truck, when it's turning and never on signal... Praise God, i wasn't tailgating it, and i slowed down in time...
Combined cg meeting (today)
Today there's the very first time in Pst Zhuang zone that we had the combined cg meeting at YMCA... it was really cool u know.. i was doing chorus board with Rosa.. But u know ah, i don't exactly have the mainboard experience, though trained... Though i felt that what i was doing was really small.. nothing much worth to be mentioned, but i'm really glad to serve, though there were times i really dunno what i'm doing... but Thank God lor.
哥林多前书 13:13
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