January: Love so Divine (Korean, staring 权相宇…)
February: Constantine (English, starring Keanu Reeves)
July: Fantastic 4 (English, starring Jessica Alba etc…)
December: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Hmmm.. by the looks of it, it seems that I hasn’t really meet any of my targets for this year. You see, I have always been deprived of watching movies because I felt that it’s too expensive to go to the cinema to watch. I set in my heart this year that I should watch a movie once a month…
And out of the 12 months of the year, I have only watched 4 so far. It’s ok , u know, at least I get to watch the shows which are really quite happening. =)
I think I should share on how I feel about these movies that I have watched, since this is MY BLOG and I decide WHAT I want to WRITE here.
Love so Divine
Ok, this show starred Kwong Sang Woo or 权相宇 and another girl, whom [sorry!] I don’t remember her name. It’s about the male protagonist who’s a priest to be, who met the female protagonist, who’s really a rebel at heart. I shall not go into details. As per most Korean movies, they fall in love, but being a priest-to-be, he’s challenged to go on to be a priest, or to keep on being in love with the female protagonist, which he chose the latter.
It’s a rather typical Korean movie, but if u wanna watch, you can.
Jennacherylen’s ratings:

This show starred Keanu Reeves [the NEO… u know Matrix??? Hello???] as a something-like an exorcist, who seemed to have a rather short life, which is extended because of his nature of his work. Overall, the effects are really good, and the story plot, though is exorcist-like [not Exorcism of Emily Rose, thank you] but overall, it is good. I think if I’m not wrong, its rating should be M18 for some grotesque scenes…
If u are tired of the typical Exorcism shows, u can watch this =)
Jennacherylen’s ratings :

Fantastic 4
This show joins the likes of the X-men and the Star Wars in their graphics animation and of the CGI [don’t ask me what that means… it could mean computer graphics, or whatever it could be, because I dunno what it means] When I went to watch this show, I watched it with the mindset that it’s of the same genre as the other 2 movies as indicated. But surprisingly, it exceeded my expectation of the show. Anyway, this show is about 5 people [one was sucked in by accident] who were sent into space [not to save the earth] and came across a strange magnetic force, which cause them to have various powers such as stretching as long as you want, invisibility, able to channel strong heat, and to look like a boulder of stone.
Plot is typical, with a villain in tow, love triangles. But they do talk about values such as looking into the inner beauty rather than the hideous outward appearance that one may have.
Jennacherylen’s ratings :

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
[Oh my! I can’t believe I have problem spelling that Globet…goblet! -_-“ ]
This story, as we all know is about the Boy Wizard Harry Potter on a quest on the Triwizard Tournament…. If you have read J. R.R. Rowling’s 4th book, then I guess I don’t need to elaborate on it anymore =)
I have read about reviews saying that the movie is really bad, and how it does not follow the book totally. But I feel that, it’s not that bad, given that IMHO it has tried its best to follow on to the plot of the story. Friends that I have asked regarding the show, they all said that it’s nice. And I think it’s nice too. But I have to ask: How come Voldermort doesn’t have a nose? Lol. And I think my cousin find the part where Voldermort is supposed to surface in human form [that part with the blood, the body and the hand that is cooking over a pot?? Cauldron??] is pretty gross. Hmmm, I guess it’s PG [parental guidance] for this reason. I guess kids will not be able to apprehend this grotesque scene… [I nearly couldn’t understand it either]
Jennacherylen’s ratings:

[P.s: all people like movies in various parts, so I should give it a good rating. I also love Star Wars Trilogy =) But I seriously find the movie good, esp with all the hard make-up and effects of the maze that strangles and closes up, the potkey that make people twirl and etc……]
Unfolding the mystery of the shih-tzu’s death
Hi all,
Remember about the shih-tzu that I mentioned about 2 months ago.. the one that committed suicide? I have the full story about what actually happened.
[As told to Jennacherylen by E.C. Ching]
The Shih-Tzu belonged to the son of the folks who lived at the 5th floor. They themselves have a dog, but it is rather old in age [My oh my, at a grand old age of 17] and the body functions are not as nibble as before, and don’t really have the strength to jump up and down, and probably come with some bowel problems…
The shih-Tzu was supposed to be there for a day or 2 because its owner [the son] put it there for a few days. So the shih-tzu was young, and very, very jumpy. Being unable to adapt to the environment, it jumped up and down, up and down, up and down….
Remember, the windows was open, because the 17 year old dog wasn’t as nibble, and won’t have the strength to jump on the sofa which is directly below the open window. BUT…. The shih-tzu was young and jumpy. And being unfamiliar with the environment, it jumped up the sofa, and leapt unknowingly out of the window….. to its death.
It’s certainly very unfortunate that this has happened. Let us learn from this. Let’s move on, to make our environment a safer place for our furkids =)
Job Interview at _______________
Ok, the blank is still there because I’m still not revealing that agency [the good one that I mentioned in one of my previous entries] , because, in any case, my impression of it might change, today-tomorrow-the day after tomorrow.
Yesterday I was super pissed off at the B.M. over there. She gave me a false hope that I might have the chance to be employed. Then she put me down by saying that I’m not suitable for a job, and even insulted my ego by saying that as a fresh graduate, I should have found a job within 2-3 interviews! [It really bruised my ego BIG time ok!! So what if I went for like 6 interviews already???]
What is this??! So what I failed in my career when I was younger?? If u are looking at my past and not looking at what I can do now, you are shallow!! Very VERY SHALLOW!!! I have a great vision for my future, and I don’t go back to my past! You, ___________ if u are such a shallow company, then I don’t think you will last long. Simply because if you don’t’ have a vision for your employees in the future, then you will always look back at their past performances! Then eventually you will not move on. Only dead companies will stagnant there! If u are reading this, WAKE UP YOUR IDEA!!!
Anyway, potential employers, if u are reading this, pls, think about what I have said. Don’t judge a person by his/her past experience. You are not just bruising the person’s ego, but u are also depriving yourself the chance of getting a good employee. It doesn’t mean that once a person failed to prove him/herself, that he/she will never have the ability, ever, to go beyond what he/she had done and can do!
[Anyway, I’m still hoping for the best, because it’s a job that I’m really interested in. Though I more-or-less know that my chance is kaput, but I’m believing for a miracle to happen =) ]
1 comment:
Anyway, Cheers!
Believe that you will always have something even better. Remember, from glory to glory, never failing.
Take care and see you soon!
Best wishes,
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