As this is as promised, I will take about a few days to write this out.
Thanksgiving CG
We had sumptuous pizza for refreshments… Canadian 2-for-1 pizza. And Boss’ specially made jelly [though a bit hard] is yummy with the preserved fruits. I love the longan-flavored as compared to the others. And Ally’s specially-made salad [of grapes, green apples and mixed nuts in mayonnaise] rawks!! Oh, as this is the last CG of the year, awards were given out.
The recipients are:
Faithful Award : Christal
Most Willing Award : Ryan
Courage Award: Brandon
Best Attitude Award : Jenna [me]
Most Winsome Award : Jacqueline
Actually, I was quite surprised that I got this “Best Attitude Award”, though I secretly thought that I might have a chance to get any award. To me, promotion comes from God. It didn’t really matter if I didn’t get any, since I’m relatively new in the cg. What surprised me was that I was almost nominated from most of the categories…
This is my prize [a very nice handwritten mirror with Karen’s special message]
[Yup, that's my arm... it's a mirror wha]
I went for many interviews when the economy is terrible big time. And yeah finally look at my goal-setting card, and decide to sign up at BBDC to learn driving. 2nd January [Wha… exactly one year ago =) ] was my first time on chorus-board duty on side-board. 19th January, I went for my first Going On To Perfection bible study at Bible House [Wha.. imagine squeezing during bible study in a small hall, we really become on fire for God, both spiritually and physically =)]
7th February I started my first practical lesson, with a plump uncle who’s really into gadgets. Haha.. was playing around within the circuit, following which the next lesson I stepped out of the circuit into the mainroad. Yeah! I got my PDL. =) Spent the Saturday of Chinese New Year week at Qingyao’s house having steamboat, and watching ‘Shutters’ the freaky Thai movie.
In this month, I passed my Final Theory Test (FTT). Oh… and Pst Benny Hinn came to Singapore for the Healing Crusade, which was totally memorable. Imagine seeing the power of God upon the choir above the stage, as many fell under the anointing and the power of God. Oh, that month, I decided to go into tuition full-time.
From April last year, I went for many overnight prayer meetings. And had more chances to serve God in Chorus board. Yup.. and Mainboard training at NTUC centre. And many, many practical revisions are on to prepare for my first practical test.
The saddest moment of the year was when I failed my driving test terribly. I scored a total of 30 points, as I ‘died’ within the circuit as I accumulated 24 points inside with an immediate failure. I remembered crying for a few days after that – in my sleep of course. Then I smartened up to fix my training group, so that I’ll see the instructors that I wanna see. And that month, I got myself up to eyeballs with tuition. 28th May marks the last day of the existence of W178. The cg is disbanding because it didn’t grow… And I was posted to Karen’s cg, W74. Another adventure begins from here.
I served in Chorus Board during Emerge Conference for all the day events, but there was one day which I didn’t go, but there was only 1 day that I managed to get in.. The first day I was super late, so was locked outside. Imagine the church premises where there are people, who fainted because of lack of space. 2nd day I went to meet up with my schoolmates…. 1st June, I went for Foundation Truth 2 bible study. 18th June was Karen’s birthday, and it was cg meeting, where W74 will multiply. This is where me and Eichien will be in different cell-groups. 27th June is the most happening day! I got my driving license! I got a score of 14, and the tester was very lenient. =)
This month is one month that is spiritually challenging, as we started on the 24 hour fast for 3 Wednesdays, and overnight prayer meetings on 3 Fridays. We are preparing for Arise and Build, which happened on the 17th of July. That month we were gearing up spiritually for greater things ahead. =)
5th –6th August we had the Festival of Praise (FoP) where I served on the first day, which was very challenging, and pretty erroneous. But we are learning from this experience. 8th August I went to Johor Bahru for the first time. Shopping paradise, but I came back with only 2 pairs of Nike socks.
2nd was my 25th birthday. And it was cg day. Despite this, I still went for cg, and I got a pair of Fila sports shoes. Ivy gave me a personal gift, which is a Fila tote bag. Chorus board gave me a Fila bag too.. Hahaha… this year my presents are full of Fila hahahaha….This month, I also started my Intermediate Guitar Class, where I learnt about dynamics [Haiz, I think I still lack that BIG time even now.] 24th was a combined meeting, and helping with a big event, but it was a learning experience, though was quite traumatized by it, but thankfully I didn’t sink into d*********. =)
15th is the Food Fiesta. This is the biggest among the 3 combined meetings. So Rosa and I prepared like a few days in advanced. It was successful, and I get to really help out, doing P & W for the 2 sessions. 24th was my graduation ceremony, and my parents came. But I look pretty fat in the photos. But it was really 苦尽甘来 after so many years of studying and I finally wore my regalia. =)
The whole month we literally didn’t have any bible study as we are on the Tabernacle Bible Study. It’s more or less the Going On To Perfection bible study. Served for 2 weeks on level 4, which is really great. =) Oh, and our Ms Diana Liong got hitched to Mr Tan [Congrats!!!] 19th was the Human Monopoly, and the night before was overnight prayer meeting. So Ryan, Ally and myself went to East Coast Park after the OPM and we nua-ed for sometime before we had to wash up and be ready. And my group won!! But at the expense of eating mealworms, and my dear Eichien cried.
Oh, and the Chorus board gathering at this Police place, was in that month too… And I got to serve more. I’m going to serve in the service team, and also in training, and that was the month in which I had training, which I dunno if I could really carry it out well. And a job interview in Tuas, which the person really pissed me off with his demanding way. And that place was like beside the Tuas Checkpoint!!
On the first day of the month, I was insulted by this Branch Manager of Ad**** [note this is the ____________ of the agency that I find it good]. First, she put me down in an insulting manner, and the words that she said really made me hit the roof! But not because of this black sheep that I won’t go to other branches. In fact the International Plaza one called me, and I did responded. But that Branch Manger’s name card I tore it in anger and threw it away. 7th is the Opening Prayer meeting at Singapore Expo. It was very happening for me. Father God spoke to me, and I had assurance that my job will come, as I serve His house.
I served the best that I knew how for the Christmas drama even though I was cut off eventually… and I landed my job! At M***power services. In fact, I’m starting work tml!! Yeah! God’s rhema has really come to pass!! Hallelujah!
That’s all for my reflection for 2005.
I met up with Jacqueline after my training and we went shopping. I bought 2 more belts at $5.90 each! Very good deal! Will buy more colors for the belts. And I bought something that’s really good deal. This is it.

I finally got my job, so I wanted to get Nalgene’s water bottle, the 1000ml one. So after helping Diana play for her cg, I went to West Mall to get the Nalgene water bottle. And after looking and looking for it, I finally settled down for this pink color one with a big flower.

Nice?? Yeah, it cost $20
Today's post is erm, unusually long... but it's been delayed. Enjoy.
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