This is what i really felt!!!
Anyway, this picture was taken when Furby was ston-ing because he was tired.
Yesterday there was another bombshell that was dropped in the office. And it's really at the wrong timing.
I was nursing a headache. So wasn't really in the mood. And i kept silent, and was really grouchy. (Read: Don't bug ME!) And then, Tony was like trying to find out what was happening to me and stuff like that. I was very very very grouchy, don't feel like talking. Not in the mood.
Anyway, Rachel (Jay's GF) is... was a colleague fromthe Bugis Office. So was pretty surprised that she came over, and declared that she's found a job and will be leaving the company tml.
Is that for real??
Sadly yes. She has left the company today.
I think it's a great shock.... to have people leaving the organization when it was least expected. Recruitment line's turnover is pretty high. We are like losing 3 consultants in a matter of 1 month....
Hope things work out well for Rachel, in her new job. Gambatte ne!!
Well.... it made me more determined, that i will stay on in the organization. Yeah, was kinda stressed because don't seem to have any sales this month, and i'm beginning to doubt if this line's really for me. I was really struggling to wake up this week to work, and was like dragging my feet. But i know that I want to make it work. Wherever I am, I'm going to shine for Jesus!!! I can make it!!
Today had to go to Bugis office to collect the key.
The moment i entered the office, Auntie was there and Boss was there.
Auntie directed me directly into the meeting room.

Boss was just finding out how come i was in a bad mood yesterday and that he reminded me that if i have any issues or anything that I should tell him, i will inform him. Another thing is that Aaron will be shifting over to Burlington (Kinda knew that news yesterday). And Boss has instructed him that he will not disturb me over there lah. Good.
The reason as to why he's going to be over at Burlington, is because Chicken Little is leaving, and Chicken Little is very important over here. If u read my past postings, I guess it will be quite easy to spot out CL's identity.
Singapore Elections will be on 6th May. West Coast GRC yet again is on a walk-over. See, our constituency is zai!!!!
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