Friday, November 24, 2006

Timely blessing

I can't re-emphasize yet again, of God's goodness and favor, and strength and blessing.

Yesterday at work, Arthur, our co's Content Manager, sent me a link via msn

Seriously, it really blessed me tremendously. Just when i'm totally feeling the stress of lack, and going about solving problems, and having to tread over obstacles to overcome them, this beautiful website came along. Ok, i won't say it's a real pretty site, as it's black and has real good animation. It's the content of the site, that truly encourages.

Well, Art, it may seem like 1-2 days late, but if u are reading it, thanks dude!!! Appreciate it.


Today, i suddenly realized that i have less than $y to last till the end of the month, which is..... next friday! Gasp!!! And i realized what trouble i have got into.

Though i know that i am currently debt-free (i'll rather be debt-free than to owe on bills!!! Non-negotiable), but i also anticipated that i'll be in financial lack, but i wasn't prepared to be in such lack!! I guess the process of this realization can't really click. Simply because: i have given my building fund. I believe that He will provide for me. But seeing my last $40 really crumbled me BIG time.

There was a lot of struggling in my mind - Practically, my carnal mind was really trying to rationalize what i did, and i dunno... i kinda started regretting that i increased my building fund amount..... Neway, my mood wasn't so good, because of this. Not just because of Pre-M. S. Because, i don't see how God is going to provide for me. I mean, $y for 3 meals in one day. But i trusted the Lord. Indeed He's always faithful, even when i'm losing faith in what He can do.

Someone in CG blessed me with $100, though i've initiated to borrow, but it turned out to be a blessing. I totally didn't expect it. But really thankful for the blessing.

When i got home, i got 2 new sticks of eye-shadow. Another blessing, though it was 2nd-hand.

Everything falls on time. Before i really need to 'keep fit'.... Indeed God's always on time!!

Next entry...
Fellas!! You can anticipate in my next entry....
- Pictures of my Shuai Ge (Furby), but somehow, my O2 can't connect to my laptop :(
- Feeding on my nacissism..... Akan Datang.

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