Friday, March 23, 2007

Giving Your Precious

Today, during cg, i was very challenged, not just by the message, but also the word that was spoken into my life by my leader.

Anyway, today's sermon topic is on Spiritual Hunger.

Actually this sermon is not new, i guess i have heard this message like upteen times.

As i was saying, i was very challenged........ To surrender.

And i want to obey.

U know, for the past months, esp when i'm getting into great lack esp during the season of job-change, it was the hardest time for me. Juggling with trying to find more money, and also the pressure of life gets to me, it was really hell, literally for me. I was in great financial lack and decided to half my giving.

But i thank God for a much better paying job, esp with confirmation, and some increment, life seems to be getting better, and this month i've resume to give what i intended to give.

Losing my teeth was the hardest. Because i didn't know how much does the fixing cost, and yeah, from then, i've decided to save another tithe of my salary for rainy days. So it was for the past 2-3 months. And though i wanted to extend the Building Fund by 1 month, but i was greatly challenged by the word, to surrender, this area of my life to God, this area which i didn't rely on God for.

I could have just pledge the saving that i have accumulated, and probably i'll be free-up now. But, i need security. Because i have nothing else already. And also, i wanted to save up for a new phone, which, as all of u know, that i'm getting real pissed with the O2, increasingly in these few weeks.

Saving money is essential to secure me, in the midst of my giving. If anything happens, i know that i don't need to delay or whatever...

But, as i pondered on the words, i know that God wants to be my security. He wants me to trust in Him totally. U know, to me, this savings is my precious. MY PRECIOUS!

But, i believe, like what the bible says, that when God asked Abraham for his precious Isaac, he didn't even blink an eye. And God honored that obedience. I'm sure that He knows perfectly that it is precious in my sight.


I've decided to push what i have saved for the past 2 months, and put it into the Building Fund. This Sunday! And the final push in April. And i'll be done with the Building Fund!!!!

Praying REALLY HARD that just as He honor Abraham's faith, that He will honor my faith.

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