I just realized that it's been some time since i last posted any photos of myself. But, it doesn't mean that i'm no less nacissistic than ever. I still am.
Yes, i'm still real pissed with my O2 phone.
I've just slammed the phone real hard - because the joystick is refusing to work... Yah yah it's an old ailment. But i feel that i can't take it anymore!!! I'm getting more and more irritated with it as the days go by. And it didn't help that i'm PMS-sy.
I really wish very very very hard that May will come really soon, so that i can quickly go and upgrade my phone really really soon.
Haiz, i'm still 1.5 months away. I wonder in this period, will something go wrong with the phone, because i over 'slam-dunk it when i get overly pissed with it. Haiz.
Is having a terrible migraine attack. Been very nua today. Haiz, some times it's really crap to go through the monthly motion. And if u are female, i'm sure u will go through times of such intense crappiness and wish that you are not female. And sometimes it can be real ironic, because when it doesn't happen, you will think why it's not here. And when it comes with pain and dizziness and all the discomfort, you wish that you take back those words.
Maybe, it's just me. Just need somewhere to crap a bit, to ease off the discomfort i'm facing now.
Fitness First VS California
I think u must be thinking, and yes, i think i am: I'm seriously fickle-minded.
It's the gym issue again!! Argh!!
What happened is this: June and i was having dinner at Paradiz and was thinking of walking to Dhoby Ghaut. And we passed by Cathy building. And we walked in, going for Coffee.... And we decided to explore the new shops.....
We walked and walked and walked... and my roving eyes caught Fitness First. So, we decided to walk in and take a look. Well, as per my impression, very good. Nice facilities, but not so nice price. I think i really challenged the Consultant-trainer-whatever. I asked him questions that didn't really stun him, but i can see that i really pissed him quite a bit with all my questions and defensive answers.
What he offered me was this:
1) $113 per month ($118 after GST) - 1 branch, all days
2) $133 per month ($139 after GST) - All branch, all days.
Well, i'm quite enticed. Esp with Cathy Branch being like 5-10 mins walk from IOI plaza. I can't deny that i am. And i can go everyday. But the price, hmmm.... i must really do some serious calculation, esp with 2 months and half a thousand left to fulfil for the Building Fund. Price aside, i know of Wendy and Weiying in Fitness First, and a few others whom i dun remember. And they didn't seem to regret being there.
I should be going for Cathy branch, if i sign up, and they are willing to wait for me to finish my notice with California. Hmm. There's only 1 thing..... I WANT SWIMMING POOL. Though it's only $20, but i need to consider my cashflow too.
It seems quite possible that i'll leave California and go to Fitness. I foresee that i will go like... Monday - Friday, Sunday. I must be crazy. The possibility is seriously there. I mean, considering the attitude of the consultants, man, they are not as pushy as Cali's. I mean, they always try to sell their services (good), but what really put me off is when they ask:
Do you have a credit card? We have this plan at $xx per month, but u have to pay up front.
Geez....... I experienced this at least 3 times already. And each time, i tell them that i don't have a credit card, then they will give a smile and say "Oh, then it's ok, u can save for it"
Anyway, i don't want to talk about this anymore. I'll work out my costing and decide if i can cut Cali and join Fitness in June or July.
Parents going to China in 2 hours
My mama and papa are going to China for 7 days, they will be back on the 23rd. So, i'll be home-sweet-home alone with the doggies. Thankfully, Bro's coming back to sleep this week, so it won't be that bad. But i know there's gonna be serious cleaning up in the next week.
They are going to Hainan Island. Oh, did i mention that my mama's Hainanese? Yes, that's a dialect, and i think there's very few Hainanese that i know. I'm half since my papa's Hokkien. My Grandma comes from Hainan when she was quite young.
So, it's going to be a little challenging this week, but i'm going to survive!
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