Friday, October 26, 2007

Sorry has never had a cure

Have you ever pondered about this word? And know what that word really mean?

As kids, we were taught that when we do something wrong, we say sorry. And when we do that, our parents will pat us on the head and say 'Good boy/girl. That's the way to go'.

So all the kidos that grow up with this mindset, learns that when you do something wrong, just say sorry.

komenasai, i have to tell u that, it's not as simple as that.

First things first, let's define the meaning of this word: sorry

According to , there's a few definitions, which the closest definition is the following:

1. feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"; "he felt bad about breaking the vase" [syn:
regretful] [ant: unregretful]

2. bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state"; "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape"; "a sorry state of affairs" [syn: deplorable]

3. without merit; "a sorry horse"; "a sorry excuse"; "a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick"; "the car was a no-good piece of junk" [syn: good-for-nothing]

4. causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather"

This is what was taught to us kids when we were young. For example, we break a vase at home. We say sorry. And that's that. What if the vase in question happens to be the Prime Minister's and that vase is one of it's kind in the whole wide world. Does saying sorry help? Does it give the Prime Minister a replacement?

Another example (extreme): If one fine day, you were playing with knives with your friend (don't ask me why i use this example, i really dunno), and you accidentally killed your friend. This friend is the only child and the parents are already well old-in-age to have another child. You say sorry to your friend's parents. Guess what? They may not even accept the apology.

In these 2 instances, besides having heard the word sorry, there's another similarity: There's no form of restitution. In case #1, how to find another replacement of the vase when it's one-of-its-kind? #2 how are the parents going to get back their child? Both damages are for eternal, not something that can be replaced. For case 2, are you going to give birth to a child and give back to the grieving parents? NO!

What is the point of saying sorry and i admit my mistake? And then continue to live your life as if nothing happens..... if something similar happens again, just say sorry and pat your butt and continue to do the same wrong things again?

I think, i want to put straight the whole definition of this word. Let's take the case of the broken vase. The kido says :' I'm sorry'. But that's not the end of this issue. He/she should be taught to say that he/she will not do that again, and live their lives not breaking another vase again.

For the case of the killed person, besides saying sorry, he has to pay for it with his life la. A life for a life, a tooth for a tooth. Under normal criminal law, the person has to serve his sentence, where upon release there's a criminal record tied to him, which serves eternally a reminder for that fella to not do it again, ever!

Just saying sorry, is not enough. Just saying sorry and promise not to do it again is also - not enough.

Talk is cheap. Action speaks louder than words. So, if you are really sorry, PROVE IT BY YOUR ACTIONS!

Ed's note:
Anyway, what sparked this strong topic is because of a c2p woman who's supposed to join the coy, which everything was done, with offer letter signed by her weeks before and etc etc etc. Just as everything is confirmed with all the hassle of administration that we had to go through to get her in, this c2p woman dropped a bomb to say that she's has signed on with another company. Her words to us wrt to this: I'm sorry.

SORRY HAS NO CURE! You inconsiderate, and undecisive fella. Since u have signed with us as a confirmatiopn to join us, then u jolly well don't go for anymore interviews! Signatures to you means nothing huh?? I'm totally amazing at your integrity, and all others of your type.

We will not hesitate to drop all other candidates of your type from joining us ever again! Once bitten, twice shy. Twice bitten, never try. This is the 2nd time we have had such encounters. We will action by not trying again to put ourselves on the line for such people, ever again! We learn our lesson, in a painful way, 2 times! There won't be a third time, definitely.

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