For e9, we have Christmas Gift exchange happening on this Friday. *Woohoo!
I think with $20 bucks, i can really get a decent gift for my chosen one. Well, i can't deny it's quite a challenge, but anyway, i've got first part of the gift, which all ladies love: Toiletries from The Body Shop . Really glad i got an relatively easy person to buy for.
Since i have something left, i want to get creative and maybe do something with some crystals that i've gotten today. I'll explain in a while how come the sudden urgh to purchase such stuff, esp since i'm not creative person.
Sidenote: To the one buying the gift for the X'mas exchange for me, i love having something from Body Shop too. :)
We are having Christmas Gift Exchange on Friday too!!! Eh... which, i'll prob not turn up, as i'll be having e9 Christmas Get-together at Indulgz Bistro. But, i'm still entitled to an Exchange Gift, though i'm not physically there. And so do the person whom i've chosen.
The person that i'm buying for, it's quite a challenge i must say. She's just transferred in to W74 not too long ago, and i've didn't have much communication with her. But i must say that she's pretty and mature in thinking.
After service today, the cg went out to City Hall where we ended up in Marina Square. We walked around randomly. My first attempt to get her earrings failed, as none of us remembered if she wears earrings. -_-"'
So, we just walked, and a thought just came for me to look into Sasa which i was browsing the cosmetics, when i came across a eyeshadow compact which has 6 color palettes. And a thought just blew thru my mind: I can buy it and then personalize it. Which, i did.
Next stop, i ended up at Mini Toons where i've managed to get 2 plates of pink and blue crystals.... Actually they looked more like half beads.
So, this is the progression on how i personalize the gift.
Step 1
There was the brand of the color palette on the bottom left side of the cover, which spoils what i want to do. And i proceeded to remove it using my trusty nail polish remover, with a cotton bud.
It took me about 10 mins to remove the brand name, which was pink (or was it peach) in color. But, the inking can still be seen under light.. Darn!
Step 2
I began to conceptualize what and the how i should start with my design. I started to surf the internet for ideas, but nothing came to mind. Is it really that difficult? Anyway, i put all my materials together and stared at it, hoping to get some ideas....
Trust me, the crystals looked more difficult to put onto the compact cover than the general assumption (which u make an ass - out of u and me). At the very least, i'm really glad that i've bought 2 different colors of crystals for me to play with.
Step 3
I decided to put one crystal each at the bottom of each 'window'
Doing this, i've sacrificed 2 pink crystals, because, the alignments are not correct. I've rectified it using a ruler and drawn short lines with my pink pencil, to ensure consistency. But, it will never be that straight, which, in Art, being straight doesn't mean it's nice. To me, i've done my best for this part.
Step 4
I thought about putting something abstract, which led to a futile search on google, and ended up with the conclusion that flowers are the easiest and simplest and nicest thing to do. So i started with a flower in the center, which i've thought of put more crystals in a random manner to make it more special.
That's the first flower. 2 poor pink crystals were yanked out and pasted in again as there was some imperfection. Not that this one's perfect. I think this took about 10 mins to do up.
Step 5
Initially i wanted to randomize it with a trail of crystals in a way that i can cover the seen-under-light-brand. At the right moment, Mama came back, and when i've consulted her, she said it's best to put another 2 flowers at the side. Which i did. This took me about 5 mins for both, which i guess experience accumulated has sped up this process. =)
See how the crystals sparkled.. so much that my camera captured it in a blurry way.
KOMENASAI (paiseh)!! I took the picture TOM-BALEK (upside-down) lah!
This is my end-product, in the correct direction. :)
My brother happened to be back, and i've asked him, which he said that this is great. No need for more crystals. As they say, the more cooks spoils the broth. So this looks good and safe. The only thing is, the picture still looks blurry.
Hope Lynette likes the gift =)
It may not cost much, but i've put in much brain cells and effort to make it nice, at the very least. =)
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