Is it a good time to celebrate or a time to continue mourning?
I celebrate because for the past 3 years, i've maintained a healthy driving record, no losing points for dashing through red lights, no cut points for illegal parking, no whatever whichever.
I mourn because, i don't get to drive a lot.
It's really a sad thing when u have a license and u have a car at home and U DON'T GET TO DRIVE THAT BLARDY CAR!
I was sitting in leader's car on Saturday while out with a few members. And i was lamenting to them, as usual, about me not able to drive the car. It didn't really help that a member who just passed her driving test, got a 2nd hand car a week later. But everyone's entitlement is really different la.
Firstly, i haven't sat in that Blardy car more than 5 times, ever since it belong to my dad and my brother. But one thing that made me gian, is that it's a Sedan, so it will be a good car for me to navigate, since i trained on a Honda Civic. I drove the other Matrix Revo like less than 10 times, in 2005. I tell u, even my bro's ex-gf drove that car more than i do.
Then the irony came: I am not supposed to drive the car because my driving sucks.
Why does my driving suck? Ans: Because i don't have a chance to practice my driving.
I can tell u, it's all nonsense. It's all about the Male Chauvinistic Pig mindset at work. Rather, it's the bias against women. I have blogged about this in 2005, and bringing it up is kinda lame and not worth my time to re-write my thoughts.
A big irony: My dad sponsored $1,000 to let me learn driving, i paid out about $1,300 on my own. WHY SPONSOR MY DRIVING LESSONS WHEN I END UP NOT USING IT?
I am getting really interested in getting a 2nd hand car. S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y.
I have been looking at 2nd hand cars here. I get more gian.
My main aim of driving is to get from one place to another. I don't need a Beemer, or Suzuki Swift or my dream Nissan March. I know that can only be thought about in about 5 years.... Hopefully.

This is Chery QQ, one of the smallest car that you can see around in Singapore. Hmmm... Make that rare. I've only seen it once, where there's a big tall ang-mo, driving it. It's only 0.8 litres. Very small. It looks a bit like Kia Picanto from this picture. But it seems that though it has only appeared in Singapore for about 9 months, it has been sold by their owners.
The only pro i can think of is that it's cheap-cheap-cheap. After all, it's made in China, so cost won't be high. Of course, if u wanna compare with Kia and Chevrolet it's definitely far-fetch. What do u do with a car? Get u from point A to point B right? I do not mind, u know.
1st hand will cost around SGD 33,000, which is really a good price for a new car. I saw between SGD 12,000 - 18,000 for a 2nd hand. Man, it's tempting i must say.
Buying a car is like having a kid u know?
Having a baby | Having a car |
When baby is born, you need to pay for their birth certificate = commitment to the baby for life. | When u get your car, you must have a Certificate of Entitlement = a sign that will allow you to drive on the roads of Singapore as long as the COE last. |
You need to feed the best to your baby so that he/she will grow up fast :) | You need to pump in the best petrol into your car so that its engines will last longer. |
You need to ensure that your child grows well, make sure he/she does not fall sick and feed him/her medication | You need to make sure your car is running well, must send it for bi-annual maintenance. |
You pay for your child's Insurance, because u care for them | You pay for your car's insurance, because u have to. |
Your child has to pay income tax when he/she starts to work; the lesser the pay, the lesser the tax. | You have to pay Roadtax the moment that you start driving on the road; the lesser the experience, the more you pay. |
Never forget the underlying cost that you will incur when u buy a car. It's not just the base cost of the car. There's still road tax, petrol, insurance, not to forget (only applicable to Singapore) rising number of ERP gantries and 过路费, and the cost of maintaining your cash card.
It's a costly investment, after all. *shrugs.
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