Friday, March 07, 2008

Malaysia ain't heavy; she's my neighbor

As usually, during lunch time i will usually catch up on Newpaper online, and i read an article that has yet again, exploded various thought in me, and i want to share it out

Yah, i know, been quoting so much on a lot of articles. That shows that i'm updated on things ok. But of course, at times, u can also obtain news by various means and ways too.

Like Obama-Hilary fight for the American elections. The one with the commercial about who will pick up the call in the White House at 3am.

They are on the news like DAILY. U can't help but to hear about their news, about the battle between a man and a woman. *sigh. A bit far away though.

Coming somewhat closer, there's the Taiwan Presidential Election between this Ma and Xie. Well, i wanted to put in their full names, but just can't identify their names in Chinese Characters. Well, to be truthful, i know about them through watching crappy Taiwanese shows such as 全民大焖锅, which is renamed to.... i forgot. Like Ma will be like the suave fella going around to garner votes, where Xie was some mayor of a province in Taiwan. And not to be outdone by America, they got a song for their people.

Hmmm, i guess during seasons of election, the candidates die-die must garner enough votes to win. And how these 2 fellas cross-fire about slapping one another's backs, really make people either, scoff, or laugh or bo-chup. I'm kinda bo-chup. Nothing to scoff or laugh at. Just amused at their antics at suan-ing each other prior to the elections.

Not required for concerned for these 2 i guess.

Now, our Neighboring country, Malaysia. Now, they are 'Neighboring' country for a reason one la. After all, Singapore was joined to then Sabah and Sarawak to form the Federation of Malaysia (Simply, Malaysia) in 1963. I guess at that time, everyone within that area are simply - Malaysians. It was only until 2 years later, that Singapore kena kicked out. But geographically we were not kicked to the extend that we end up in somewhere like timbaktoo. We are just below Malaysia. That makes us neighbors la. And since Singapore has separated to grow on its own just like the reproduction of a cell, it was part of a family too!

And in 2.. i mean 1 day's time, Malaysia will be having their elections. Will Abdullah Badawi win again? Will the young upstarts have a seat in Parliament? This is one thing that many people do not care. But then, remember, Malaysia is just one kilometre away on the Woodland Causeway. There's cause for concerned from our side.

Why? A leader who continue to support lateral relations between countries, will determine how far the country will go, and how close Singapore and Malaysia can continue to work together. Beyond collaborating for movies such as Ah Long Pte Ltd, definitely.

Anyway, i think i talk too much. What sparked off this whole topic? Read
here . I'm not going to paste this article in the entry. My entry will become too draggy. So, when you are free, just be updated on what's going on among your neighbor's life. U never know whether if u are a life-saver or not.

Ps: I'm going.... really going to start looking for blogskins. This layout is too neat, too straight, to the point that it's boring. :)

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