My parents are away (again) on holiday, and this time, they will be away for the full 1 week. Woo...
Sometimes, it's good that your parents are away, so u will know how important they are. Then when they are back, we can learn to appreciate them even more.
Like now, i have to cook my own packed in lunch (i miss Mommy's Yong Tau Foo soup and the extra hard cabbage rice), which i have to wake up earlier to cook it.
And now i'm the official nagger at home, to my brother, when he attempts something funny, such as bringing Furby out without the leash. I've just nagged 3 times at the door. Thankfully my darling is back in 1 whole piece. hehe.
I'm also the default care-taker to my dogs, Furby and Jerby. It's not just about cooking their meals (Caesar or beef), but also about clearing their poo and pee. It's good that they are paper-trained, but their aiming skills are still way off from perfection. Now happens to be the season of ticks, so i'm also the official tick-hunter from their bodies.
Just caught like 3 ticks from Jer, and 1 large and 1 small one from Furby.
I think ticks really have a strong life. If u are a dog-owner, you will know that it doesn't take squashing to kill off the ticks. When they are caught, you either 'drown' them, or 'burn' them. My papa the official tick-buster, taught me to burn them.
It may sound gross, but that's the only option to keep them away from your furry friends.
Initially i wanted to show u how a tick looks like, but i guess i'll better not. They are GROSS.
Next happy thing is streetdirectory is finally back!!! Woohoo!!

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