a) U kill trees like nobody's business. No one gives a hoot as to how many trees were chopped off to get audit done.
b) Stress levels arise and it's not about you. Others stress you without considering your own workload and stress.
c) I get people telling me :"No matter what, u must do my thing, because "my thing" is very important." Sigh.
Before i get out of point and bring this entry into a totally different direction, anyway, i'm glad tomorrow's Friday!! Yay!!
I went to visit Mummy at the hospital. I shalt not mention the name of the place, just that's it's quite near to my office, 2 stops away. Nope, it's not Raffles Hospital.
I have to say despite how it looks on the outside, the inside is actually quite nice, and cosy. Mummy's got a B1 bed, with aircon and personal television.
Her operation was scheduled for 1.30pm today, so by the time i manage to visit her, she was already way over from awakening from the operation and stuff like that. She can't talk for the next 2 weeks, so she will have to write to communicate. And she prepared for it, with a notepad, which she 'kop-ed' from my brother yesterday.
We chatted quite a bit, i talked and she let her fingers do the talking with a notepad and pen.
Mummy went to 'check in' to the hospital at 7am. I could hear her getting out of the house at 6.45am, which 15 mins before, she was banging my bro's door to fetch her to hospital. Guess what? She only managed to get admitted (a bed allocated to her) at 12pm.
From 7am - 12pm, she was sitting at the waiting area. 5 whole hours! And to make it worse, her friends came to visit her, at the waiting area! Wha biang, where got such thing as to waiting 5 hours to get admitted and friends visit you not at the ward, but wait with u at the waiting area?! The next most bizzare thing: She said that she might be discharged tomorrow, when she was told that she had to stay till Saturday, because not enough beds. -_-"'
Besides writing with a notepad, mummy points with her fingers and, mimicks actions. Sometimes when i can't decipher what she means, she will write down.
But i guess, in a way, it's a new form of communication. She indicate very clearly on what she wants and i just follow. And with words, there's lesser conflicts because everything's written. Though she will take some time to write out what she wants, but it's clearly defined.
Not to forgetting sms-ing. She loves to write in Chinese with her 长江牌 N95, and i like replying her in mix Chinese and English. For the next 2 weeks, she can't talk at all and the only way to communicate with another person out is only by sms.
i'm gonna bomb her inbox like never before. :)
Though i will miss my mommy's voice for 2 weeks, i guess, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I still love her with or without a voice. And i guess with a lack of voice, physical communication also grew. As Chinese, we are not like Caucasians who appreciate work easily or people that much. But, to show i love my mummy, i kiss her bye-bye when i was going home, and she gladly receive it. I love u Mummy! *Muack!
Next up, i'll blog a short funny story between my mummy and her surgeon, Dr Tan 'Garfield' N.G. and it's going to be a short-short entry. U have to know, she told me the story by writing it out to me. It will be a real short and i-try-to-make-it-as-funny-as-possible entry.
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