It was Thursday, when Shirley commented that she had difficulty doing mileage claims because streetdirectory website was down. has been an integral part of my life, be it work or personal. I used the site to give me ideas on what buses i have to take from place to place. As compared to using a physical book copy, it allows me to see places interactively and also, guide me through to where i want to go at a much faster rate. Ur physical copy won't tell u how to get from A to B. U will probably have to figure how, flipping from one page to maybe 50 pages down the road and still won't get what u want.
I was just curious about it being down, and checked out the site. And this is what i saw.

Service Interuption for the next few days. I miss u too!!
I did a check on google and found this .

I hereby double-chope-confirm that this website is POPULAR as said in the article, and it's the one and only one BESTEST website that is for Singaporeans and all others who have difficulty finding they way around the country in the fastest time available 24/7 and immediately (with an internet connection).
It's indeed a shame that it has infringed the copyright of SLA's maps. BUT still,it's one and only useful website that can help us up and around Singapore. No doubt the country is small in size, but we still need to navigate around with it.
Streetdirectory, please come back on Monday!! We've missed u lots and we need you badly.
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