I was really thinking of how i should pen this entry.
U see, it's ONE week away to turning 28.
In the year 2008, i am turning 28. I can have the following reactions:
a) AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I'm 28 and nowhere in the next stage of my life (more on that later).
b) Age at 28 and feel like 82. (i remembered i turned 21 and looked at my young members aged 14-18. Yah.. i felt like i was in another generation)
c) Age with grace. *slaps myself with brickbat* What the .... i'm ONLY 28. Still young, still young.
But as they say 岁月不留人, YES. I am going to age with grace. This aging-with-grace thing has been lingering in my mind when i thought about this entry. And yes, i'm going to do so. C'mon i'm still in my 20's. As long as people think i look young, how much is my age, doesn't really matter. *smug* can't blame my mother for her good genes. I look young for my age. Hehehe...
As per usual, i was reading my Newpaper Online when i came across this interesting article. There's a few questions that was asked and thought it will really be interesting to answer them in my opinion.
1) I'm single but not desperate because...
I hasn't found the correct person. U know la, in this day and time, good guys are hard to find. Instead what u find are all the MCPs that lurks at every corner, waiting for a chance to overtake and control you at every chance, but doesn't have the ability to do it. I mean, u read the article, one of the respondents nearly got married, but didn't because the guy was showing his irresponsible-and-immature-and-wishywashy side.
What girls really want is a man, that she can submit to. Because the bible says so.
Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
But the man, must also learn to love their wives like they love themselves. (Meaning, accomodate to the wife when need to, and make decisions that benefit both)
Ephesians 5:25-28
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.
Unfortunately, in many cases, man will love the wife before marriage, and it changes after marriage (结婚是爱情的坟墓????). U see it in so many cases of marital abuse and it shows a lot in many many .... and many many drama serials. And, seems that guys of our generation seemed to be a tad too wishy-washy where decisions are concerned. But there are definitely exceptions. The thing is: Where are they??
2) Singaporean men are a turn-off because...
Like my comment on the previous point, they are wishy-washy and can't seem to be able to make a firm decision. Maybe they are not willing to wear the pants in the relationship, though the MCP mindset lingers in them. Now i must say is, MCP-ism is NOT wearing the pants in the relationship. But most guys see that as the same.
Also, because they are typical Asians. U know, they grow up in a very typical Asian family where the father only bring home the bacon and hand out the cane, they are very distant in terms of where relationship is concerned. Emotional Shut-down. So in terms of expressing love, they are lacking quite a lot in that department.
3) My ideal partner is...
Someone that is spiritual = Love GOD, conscientious and comes with a stable income, must have at least a Degree (must match up la, if not, that can become a topic of argument in the future.... yah thinking too far, BUT u never know), filial and with a good sense of humour (yes, i'm the crappy kind, sadly.. haha). He don't need to be super-duper good-looking, just someone who's soothing to the eyes. He must be able to give out proper encouragement and chastisement at the correct time. (FYI my LOVE language is word of affirmation & Quality time). A SNAG will be good (OMG are they... EXTINCT??)
4) My response to PM Lee's National Day Rally...
It's not that we don't to settle down. BUT, look, there are so many ladies out there who aren't married though they are reaching 30's. There are a lot of men who are not married. Reasons could be:
a) Men are shy... so are girls. Shy = pride. So if they are so paiseh (again, a typical trait of Asians), then how to have breakthrough? And modern people don't believe in arranged marriage in these days... FREEDOM OF LOVE RULES.
b) Men and Women wanna chiong for their careers. Now, because women are a bit more meticulous than the men, they are very detailed, which leads them to promotions and career advancement. From 21 - 35, women are in their prime. This is the time where women will chiong in their careers... they dont' want to be a 滥茶渣 where their experiences are not appreciated, as compared to the men.
c) According to what i heard, statistics show that men and women are getting married later and later and later in age. My mother at my age of 28 years old, she already have 2 children. I'm still freely single. When she was my brother's age at 24 years old, already popped me out already. My brother is in-a-relationship-but-not-marriage-ready-yet. So guys and gals alike, all are getting hitched later and later in life. What to do, for survival mah, Ai Pia Jia Eh Ya!
So, i guess Singaporean guys really need to buck up.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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