And being a pet owner, you have the joy of:
- sayang-ing them every single day (yes i hug them everywhen when i reach home, as they ran to the door to welcome me back)
- cleaning their pee and their poo (u be surprise if they don't do that, which it means that they are constipated. eeewwwwW)
- being amused by them, incessantly, at any moment.
a) They started to fight for attention (ok, they fight CONSTANTLY for attention, for the fun of it)

The things they do:
-Barking at each other (they must be scolding each other in their own language that only they understood)
- Jerjer (the one in white) scolding at Furby (white and grey one) + some fake biting.
- If Furby gets pissed off, he started to growl angrily, and fight back. See picture on top-right. Furby must be thinking: "老子不发威,你当我病狗??"
And when we tried to separate them, it took quite a bit of strength, because they can really be so engrossed into it. Then they start kissing each other, as if there wasn't a fight.
*Sigh, they are so 姑娘 at times.
b) They get so close to each other
- Whenever someone comes back from outside, Furby will be the one who will run to the door. And when Jerjer doesn't come, he'll bark and 'ask' him to come out.
- Similarly when we ask Furby where is Jerjer, he'll run to find him, and bark at him, seemingly telling him that someone is looking for him.
Amazing huh. Yeah, it's quite interesting when u have 2 doggies of totally different personalities. They do have traits that we find really intriguing and amazing.
c) They mimick famous (or so call famous) people
Both of them like to imitate Mr Quaker, u know Quaker Oats?

Nothing offensive to Mr Quaker Oats, but whenever we see this picture, we couldn't help but feel that they really looked like Mr Quaker.
Don't blame me for this forlorn and constipated look on his face. I didn't ask him to pose in this way, it's just naturally out of him. And a rare one, since he's very very camera-shy.
Hmmm... Happy 28th birthday to me.
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