Saturday, September 06, 2008

Mr Google is my friend :)

If you dunno who Google is, ARE U SURE U HAVE BEEN LIVING ON PLANET EARTH????

Everyone knows who Google is. 

It's a most user-friendly search engine (IMO) in the world!

I came across Google while i was just starting out in my 2nd year of my degree course. And Curtin being a kinda research-based university, we need to research a lot. The search engines i knew that could only do that much. And someone introduced Google to me. From there on, my life changed completely.

Be it to search for sites, or to look for pictures, Google has been the easiest platform for me to find my stuff - Fast!

And they can help find stuff u want, wherever you are!

In my current work, i needed to do research regarding to Singapore and those in Malaysia. And Google Malaysia has helped me tremendously. Even looking for a bank address in Thailand, Google TH has enabled me to find information, in the twinkle of an eye.

When i first started out blogging on Blogger, i used a ID and password. It was last year (??) that i realized i could sign in with my Google Mail account!! Wow! Wow! Wow!!! And the functions are getting better and better by the day! I love the way that i can blog easier, and change my layout with more ease (u will know if u are using blogspot).

And, on the day that i turned 28, Google announced their new browser called Google Chrome. Hahaha... so in the sense, we share the same birthday, Just that i'm 28 years older. Read here for their announcement

And yes! I've downloaded and installed Google Chrome on my Vista laptop, about 10 mins ago. And what i can say is:

I like it! 

Introduction video of Google Chrome

And i do agree on what is written on some forums, that Chrome does load much faster! And the interface seems much much cleaner than that of my current one, it looks better on the eyes.

Will Google Chrome become my No. 1 browser?

I believe so, i'll take some time to cold-turkey from my current, and have a habit of using Chrome.

Will Google Chrome become the next big thing?

It has become one to me. It's practically the hybrid of Internet Explorer and wonderful graphics of Mac's Safari.

Will i recommend Google Chrome to my friends?

YES!! To everyone reading my blog, RIGHT NOW, Install Google Chrome and have a great experience on Google Chrome (If u are on MAC..... Akan Datang ok? I dunno if Google Chrome's next version will provide for Mac users)

Click here to start on your Google Chrome experience!

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