Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Slapped with another 2 days...

of MC. And another $27 bucks of medical fees.

This is not good news la.

At first, i thought that the Pink Dolphin worked wonders (esp since i've drowned 1 bottle in light of no recovery) after 7pm yesterday. There was a nagging thought in my mind that i'm physically not ready to work.

But i happily woke up early, ate a good breakfast and ready myself to work.

And the dizzyness started at 10am. Then the nausea came..... I was totally at a loss, and i have to go back to see the doctor. And left after lunch.

And the Doctor poked a medical apparatus into my blocked ear, and found nothing. So, he concluded that it's something internal.

As seen in the picture above, i've highlighted 2 areas in the eustachien tube. The doctor mentioned that since nothing was detected inside the ear lobe, it will only mean that the stuck is in through the  throat or the nose. 

So, doctor gave me some (more) medicine for my nose, some Celenid for giddyness, and this thingy called Ginkapran (which i think is related to gingko Biloba). And i must say the nose medicine really knocked me out. I guess i won't be back in office tomorrow.

I must get well before weekend. Because .... next weekend is Bangkok with CG!


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