And yeah, since returning from Bangkok i haven't been posting. No updating, except for the CG blog.
It's not that i don't wanna blog. But... I'm sick again!
Really very angry leh. During the Bangkok trip, my cough came back, more furious. Coughed in the middle of the night until there was traces of blood in the phlegm. Eating Tussil 5 bought off the shelves did nothing to help.
On Saturday, i finally cannot tahan and went to see the doctor. He thinks i have asthma, and prescribed me medicine to clear the airway passage in my throat, some bedtime medicine, and some cough mixture and ... Tussil 5 (i've checked. Nothing's different. Just the manufacturer is different. Also made in Bangkok. Only that packaging looked better).
Anyway, from there, it was a physical spiral way down for me.
Saturday: Diarrhea-ed and still coughing, and lack of sleep from night coughing
Sunday: Diarrhea-ed and still coughing, and lack of sleep from night coughing
Monday: Diarrhea-ed and still coughing, though i feel slightly better, the night coughing has reduced.
Yesterday, i've 'sinned' by eating all the oily and fried food. =( And decided that my diarrhea has to stop. And i've concluded it's one of the tablets that causing it. And i stopped the medication from the doctor.
Tuesday: Woke up at 6am with a massive urge to release. I'd rather sleep in, but i couldn't. 7am, another round. On the way to office (woohoo i've reached at 8.45), had this urge again to release. From 9am until 3pm, i've visited the toilet like... 15 blardy times!!! What worst, is that i'm releasing liquids and liquids only. Argh.... Bad case of dehydration. To add salt to injury, i don't even have the appetite!
Anyway, i've to go to the doctor, before i really dehydrate. Took time off from 4pm to travel to Jurong West St 41 to see Dr Fong, from Fong Acupuncture and Medical Hall. It's recommended by Jac, so usually recommendations from ppl that u know, it's reliable.
This Medical Hall is not like what we see in the olden times, what, non-aircon, and with many 老阿伯 there, with lotsa wooden drawer. I tell u, Mai siao siao. This medical hall is very modern ok, with air conditioning, partitioned consultation rooms and a relatively aged lady serving the counter (if i'm not wrong, she's a chinese physician too, specializing in 推拿). And there's quite a lot of customers there, though mainly males around 40plus 50 years old, doing the 推拿.
The Chinese doctor, Dr Fong, has won quite a lot of accolades in his trade, where it was shown by the many plaques that was displayed within the medical hall. Besides having the usual chinese medical instruments, i saw a HP laptop sitting on his desk. Wow. Nowadays, Chinese sinsehs need to follow the flow of technology too.
But, the way that they give diagnose is still the same, traditional way. He writes in cursive Chinese, and address ppl by their Chinese names. Oh well... :)
Anyway, this is what i got for the medication from him. As compared to Western medicine, this one have to finish the whole cycle. And i've counted: 18 doses. That's like 6 days!

Nowadays, going to a Chinese doctor, doesn't mean that u need to buy the herbs to cook it and then drink it - Who has that kinda time in this day? Now they give u capsules and mixtures, all ready to take-and-go.
One thing remains the same: As they say 苦口良药. The syrup is really horrible by their color. But the taste of it, i must say, it needs to be acquired la. Thought i tasted a very strong 罗汉果-esq taste. But i must say, they've done well to make sure that after tasting with 3 gulps of water, the taste is visibly covered. I've accepted the capsules quite well, since they are really quite normal, just have a very strong medicine smell before u swallow it.
My next project for today, is to finish this.

Besides managing to finish one small vanilla bun in the morning, i've been struggling to stuff myself. Even my favorite Unagi-don didn't do the trick. And i'm currently 2 more pieces to finish this pack.
Seriously, i'd rather see myself releasing solids rather than liquids. And i do recognize that i'm giving out liquids and dehydrating myself is due to lack of food. Sigh.
Pray for me. Thanks. Jesus is my Jehovah Rapha, my Healer!
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