In this new week, the best thing to do is to continue to trust God, and be more steadfast in Prayer. And how apt it is, for Church to hold the morning prayer meetings again.
The other 2 times when the prayer meetings were held, i didn't indicate that i would go at all. Frankly, i'm not a very morning person. I usually wake up feeling crappy and grouchy. Especially when i sleep late, which is not a very good habit of mine.
But when the announcement of the morning prayer meetings are taking place this week, i decided to try and go and took a step of faith, and indicate that i would go for Wednesday and Thursday, at Chinatown, this Kreta Ayer People's Theatre (Church of Singapore, Harvest).

On Monday, i was talking to Di early in the morning. She had just gone for the prayer meeting and was very early for work (Good testimony =) ). So she was telling me about how the hunger of the people at Singapore Post and the presence of God was awesome. And i was totally stirred in my spirit, and in my heart, and there, i made a decision to go to Singapore Post (Heart of God church) the next day. In the whole of Monday, the only thing on my mind is the prayer meeting.

Well, why didn't i go to Kreta Ayer? Well, i didn't remember if there will be anyone there, and besides, i wanna go Singapore Post because many of the members are there.
And what touches me greatly is how our cg members encourage one another to go for prayer meeting. Grace Choo gave me wake up call at 5am (though i woke up at 4.45am because i was too excited over attending the prayer meeting), and met up with Sky and myself to take the Mrt to Paya Lebar. Fyi, all of us met up; leave the house by 5.45am, take the 1st or 2nd bus, and take the 3rd or 4th Pasir Ris-bound train.
The presence of God was very strong the moment we stepped into the auditorium on the 12th floor. From 6.45am - 7.45am it was Personal prayer time. It was time for all of us to build our own altars before God.
It is a challenge to stay awake, i must say. But when i remember why i am here at 6.45am, a time where i'm usually still on the bed, at a place where it's at least 30km away from my bed, and knowing the reason of why i am here, is to seek the face of the Lord, i know that there is no way i'm gonna fall asleep. I will do nothing except to pray and to seek the face of the Lord.
On Tuesday and Wednesday (today), i was at Kreta Ayer. Our members continue to encourage one another to come together, giving wake up calls at 5am and meeting up, buying breakfast or drinks for one another while waiting .... It has been so encouraging to pray with one another, even though we were praying individually.
I'm really excited about tomorrow's prayer meeting, and i'm gonna go to Singapore Post (Hahaha.. that place is the beginning and the end of this week's prayer meeting for me) together with the rest and gonna spend time in the presence of God there. Man! I can't have enough of morning prayer meetings! I think i'm starting to await for the next round of Morning prayer meetings in 4 weeks time (2nd week of Dec 2008).
Despite waking up at 5am and being readied by 5.30am...

Despite looking like a million bucks.... Make it a billion bucks - in the negative sense...
*Ugly photos coming up*

Despite having to sacrifice my sleep, and looking ugly and all, it is 110% worth it!! To wake up early to go for prayer meeting, seeking and committing my day onto the Lord, it is something that i've thought that i could never be able to do it. But, i did. And..... i'm looking forward to the next time we have the week of Morning prayers!
So if u haven't attend any morning prayer yet, just come tomorrow. I guarantee you, No regrets!! [Quote from Diana]
added on 7th November @ 9.21am:
I woke up at 4.40am after hearing my alarm clocks ringing.
"still early, can snooze a bit ah" [And i dozed off to bed]
Vaguely heard my alarm clock ringing, and my phone was ringing and then it stopped.
I stared at the clock. It read 6.05am.
HUH!!!!! 6.05am!! And i saw that Sky called me. And i called back.
Sky: Hey where are u ah?
Sky: ....
After i put down the phone, i was laying there, and feeling very very frustrated with myself - Darn, why did i snooze?! And there, i decided to sit up and chiong all the way to Kreta Ayer.
Did a time check: 6.10am. I thought to myself, "Ok, 15 mins to ready myself, and get out of the hosue at 6.25am". 2nd thought drifted "wha, must run to ATM, i dont' think i have money to take cab now..."
Thankfully i left my house on the dot at 6.25am, and was walking to the lift, and thinking about going where to withdraw money. Instinctively, i took out my wallet, and Lo and Behold, i saw a red $10 note sitting in my note compartment. Woohoo!! Praise God.
And i reached Kreta Ayer at 6.45am. Praise the Lord!!!
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