Aside from freckles which i'm repenting from by slapping myself with a lot of sunscreen before my make up, generally i think my features are quite ok. But my eyes are something that i'm totally pleased with myself.
As people say, 眼睛是灵魂之窗 (eyes are the window to the soul), the eyes will show how confident a person is about his/her life and generally about every other thing. I mean, i LURVE my eyes. I have double eyelids, which enables me to play around a lot with eye shadow and loving it (i play with blue, green, purple, pink...). Not forgetting using liquid eyeliners (it's the greatest invention for the eyes!!) to make my normal-looking eyes bigger and more alert (有神) And my eyelashes are generally ok in length, and i use a lot of mascara on it to accentuate my eyes.
But the drawback of mascara is that it can clog the eyelash, making it overly unnatural. And it's difficult to wash off. The only solution is to not use a water proof one. But if u happen to cry or something, expect black tears.
I've always been interested in fake eyelashes, and have tried to buy like one pair to try to figure out, but i always failed. Last month, my cg member got married and another of my cg member actually helped me with the fake eyelash, which i think was really great. I looked really different. And thus began my journey to explore the world of fake eyelash.
I've started playing seriously with it since last week, and i must say i'm totally hooked!!
This is part of my current collection (about 50%) of what i have?
It's really quite an adventure to wear it, because u never know if it will drop off the next minute. Ah, the skill lies with the eyelash glue, which i strongly recommend the 'Birthday Glue' from Bangkok (if u are reading this and u are in Bangkok, and you are searching for the best glue, buy it in tons!). Though the saddest thing is that i have only 1 small tube, but once my supply finish, i'll need alternatives until i can get it again.
Actually the prices of eye lash can range from like $1.90 - $10? It can come with just the eyelash or it can be the self-adhesive ones (of course that one is like $8 -9 per pair). I must make special mention of this 2 pairs of eyelashes here.
I got it only at $2 from Daiso!! Woohoo!! What a steal!! And they are really quite good one, even though they may be a bit stiff putting it on for the first time. There's a lot of patterns to choose from. And make no mistake about it, it's from Japan and only cost $2!!!
The effects after putting on the fake eyelash.
Hmmm not very obvious hor?
Seems that my hair has grown (finally) but it seems thinner (ARGH!!!). Let's make this picture look better with this.

Arghhhh... Salah!! Showed the thinniness of my hair... Phew, thankfully there wasn't any pimple on my forehead today.

There!! I like the feel of this picture. *Blink-Blink-Blink!!
In some sense, i do agree that the fake eyelash made me different. It made me feel more confident, and giving me an alert look even though i had swollen eyelids from lack of sleep. Yeah, i do need help in the looks department, and i guess this really make me look and feel much better about how i look. =)
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