Being in Church, and hearing a lot from Pst Phil Pringle, naturally i was really excited about what Pst Chris has to share. Besides this is one woman of God, whom God has used to impact and minister to the many many women in Australia. Pst Kong had briefly shared with us what was totally mind blowing about what she was about to share, which i really agree 100% that it really touched our beings to the very core.
As it was a lunch meeting, there were a lot of delegates who were eating while the session was going on. But beyond the wonderful lunch, what Pst Chris shared is even more important than the lunch.
She shared on her experience on the loss of her first child, where he was miscarried when she was young. From that point on, it was a spiral down for many of us emotionally, even though we were not married, never had lost a child before. And with the sharing of her experience, she ministered to many who had lost a child or a sibling.
Having your emotions stirred up and realizing of tears streaming down your eyes, one can't help but feel the sadness that filled the whole place, and knowing that the presence of God is here to bring forth healing, and His love for us to want to fill up the gaps to those who had lost their children.
You can read more about the lunch session here.
Pst Chris has complied her experience, and wrote a book so that she can minister to those who had lost their children. The name of the book is called "Jesse".

To find out more about this book, you can go to
It's really great that Pst Chris could share this with the delegates during Asia Conference, as there are many out there in the congregation who has experienced loss of their children, that they can be ministered to.
For the rest of us? For myself, i thank God for the realization to treasure the people around me; i don't want to wait until i lost them before i regret not being able to tell them that i love and treasure them.
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