My brother's wedding was last Saturday, 31st Jan 2009.
It was a very very eventful day, of waking up at 6am, and having to go and buy batteries at 7am in the morning. And the 敬茶仪式, where the groom, bride and me felt very funny/awkward when they served me tea. Hehehe.... So there were many people at our house, with the Bride's family. So my dogs were super duper excited to see so many people. They sat on top of our newspaper cupboard, together with the high-power fans.

Actually the whole morning event lasted till about 11am, and everyone left to prepare for other stuff; mom and i slept (ok, i was surfing the net), the Bride slept (ahh, she had to wake up very early la, so it's quite physically draining), my brother the Groom went to do his hair.
It was only until about 3pm that the beautician who was hired to do Mum and my hair came.
And just like doing pedicure, it was a sleep-inducing process. Did our hair and our make up. But it made me so so so... pretty!! Hahaha.

Mamamia!! i really liked how i looked with this make up. As for the hair, i feel quite restricted since the hair felt a bit tight, with so many of the black pins on my hair. Not forgetting the curls (which i do like) and the mousse... restricting my hair. But yeah, i think it's very pretty.
I won't wear a dress unless necessary, and for my only brother's wedding, i wore something more than a dress; i wore a gown!

Nice??? Seriously, i do like the way i look in the picture. But, wearing a dress will still remain exclusive to exclusive/special events. I still love my pants big time.

This is my Sis-in-Law's very very gorgeous Mother-in-Law! U rarely see such a gorgeous Mother-in-Law right?! =)
Really happy for my brother and wife. It's going to be a greater journey ahead for them both!
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