And it has gotten worse over the next few days. And with a stupid nose that's dry and have nostrils that like to take turns to be blocked every single day, it really got to me.
And the craziest thing is: Why do i seem to be the only one who noticed that the haze is back?
Checking with the Metrological services proved me disappointed. Are their measurements wrong? Is something wrong with their equipment? I've been checking on the site consistently, only to find "Partially cloudy" indicated about the weather this whole time.

This is taken from the window of my office pantry right after lunch today. Even with a lousy camera phone, it can also take a picture of the haze in action, which i have indicated with a red circle. And if this is not bad enough, the reading for today, 16th Feb 2009 read the following:

If the weather looked like that and is only 54, i can't imagine how hazy it will be if it's 90. Actually it has started to feel like 90 liao. The weather is excruciatingly humid and unbearable, even when i'm indoors. Man, at the rate it goes on, no matter how much rebate we enjoy on our electrical bills, we won't be able to tahan the rising costs due to using more aircons and fans. =(
Someone bring a big vacuum cleaner and suck all the haze away!!
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