Let's see.
Bible studies completed as at 15th June 2009
1) Getting Started
2) Christian Lifestyle
3) Victorious living
I got test this week for these 3 topics. But prob will have to do it next Monday since i'll be away for missions trip on Friday.
4) Foundation Truths 1 (FT1)
I have to say that up till BS Book 4, i was exempted.
5) Foundation Truth 2 (FT1)
6) Home Cellgroup Leadership (HCGL)
7) Going On To Perfection (GOTP) - Tabernacle
8) Gifts of the Holy Spirit (GOHS)
9) Homiletics - Art of Preaching
Currently we have just started Sermon on the Mount (SOTM). And we are somewhere one-third through Romans, and three-fifth through Song of Solomon (SOS) through Church-wide Bible study.
Wow!!! And we are only at the half-way mark!! =)
Assignments completed as of 15th Jun 2009
1) Faith - Pst Phil Pringle
2) Spirit-filled Believers' Handbook - Derek Prince (this is the super-duper thick book ok. Don't believe. I show u)

This is one challenging book. Such a wide book with subjects that are oh-so-vital for our Christian walk, and about the Holy Spirit. And i wont' forget how i struggled hard to finish reading the book one day before i'm due to submit the book even though i've finished the assignment.
3) 4th Dimensional living in a 3-dimensional world by Dr Yonggi Cho.
It's a great book. That's why i invested in the book.
4) Surprised by the power of the Spirit by Jack Deere
Dry read but it got really exciting at the last few chapters. It's a deep book.
5) You the Leader by Pst Phil Pringle
Just submitted my assignment this morning! Great book!
Wow wow!! Never knew i could finish like 5 books within 2 months! Usually i'll take my time to finish. But it's in SOT that i see possibilities that i can finish 5 books within such a short span of time. And by the time i graduate from SOT, guess what? I will have read 10 books!! And that's in 4 months!
I'm really very glad to be in SOT this year, seriously. I had this dream to be in bible school since i was 20 years old. And i'm finally living it after so many years. And i feel that this is the kairos moment where i'm really in. I know that such a time won't come again. And i know that this time is where i wanna tap to God even more, to be more broken before Him again, wanting to love Him even more.
Now i'm at the half-way mark in SOT. Like what many past graduands of SOT say, the challenge is really being at the half-way mark. Cos assignments are piling up, tests are coming up, mission trips.... bla bla bla. And for those who are working, like me, we have to play juggle with our work, school, finances and many many challenges. But i know that this season is a season of molding which we will come out stronger, more spiritual, strengthen, equipped.
I love SOT!!!
Ps: I'm not gonna countdown to graduation, as yet, because i'm still enjoying every single bit of school. =)
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