... Parable time. Let him who has ears, let him hear.... *Sigh.
Anyway, i just went to visit a group of people whom i was kinda familiar. The things that they do, are in the 'servicing' of 2 kinds of people. I was kinda expecting them to call me, since they know about me.
And they did, and so i went.... all the way from JW to Raffles. Even though i know that this visit won't exactly reap any results, Or does any good time come out of it? Since, what they are really good at, is literally giving a false hope, and leave you hanging there..... Until they need u for an opportune time.
Well, out of a goodwill, i just went... And on the way back, something happened, and which is totally anal, and that was why i need this internet connection so badly.
And... i thought to myself. I want coffee!! I'm literally falling asleep soon, and i have tuition at 7.30pm. Woowoo.....
Starbucks? Wha....... my $5 voucher is still waiting to be utilized, sitting in my wallet for the looongest time.
Bakerzin?? Yummy-but-expensive food.... i want the nice looking Latte with the heart-shape... But got connection??
FYI, there is!! Woots!
And here i was, blatantly coming in to the cafe, to use the FREE WIFI, with meeting my basic need for my coffee.

To give it credit, the Latte tastes really not bad lah.... I didn't buy the latte because it has a heart-shaped pattern.
But i also realized that it's really a great place to hang out.... Solitude.
So i'm pretty sure that i'll come and hang out on my free days till SOT finishes. (Boohoo!! So fast!! I want more!! More!! MORE!!!). So technically that means... 4 Tuesdays, and 4 more Thursdays.
Great coffee, great connection. It's a good place to hang out. =)
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