Friday, September 11, 2009

It’s frustrating…

And discouraging.

Job-hunting is necessary, and yet it’s nerve-wrecking, especially in this economy climate.

SERIOUSLY, the economy is improving???

Where? Where? Where?

If it’s improving, I’M SO SORRY, i don’t see a tinge of evidence. Who ever that said that it’s improving, i suggest you take off your spectacles, wipe it clean and see it clearly for yourself again. [don’t get me started on what, next year salary will increase? We’ll see about that in April 2010] Notice the sacasm. Bleah.

I should really consider if i should take up the many tuition assignment offers that came into my email, rather than looking at positions that i applied for and not a single one responded, and irrelevant job openings that i received, and does not have any interest in.

Grrlll… Ok, i’m just ranting. I’ll be fine. I refuse to become discouraged. I know God will provide. Geez, someone bring me out of this wilderness!!

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