Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is entry number seven-zero-one

Before anyone wanna stone me for not sending any 口讯 since my FAD entry 8 days ago, guess what?? I had difficulty thinking of what to really write for my #700 entry. Just when i decided to stop delaying this entry, i did a count on my blogger interface, and realized…. that FAD entry is actually number #700 blog post!!!

Ahhhhh……. all my precisions fell into the drain! Man, i think i was just THAT engrossed with sharing with the whole blogsphere about FAD.

Oh well, it’s a new milestone i’ll say, for my whole hobby of blogging. To reach #700, it’s definitely not easy. Not a lot of bloggers can have 700 entries within the same blog address. 7 is the number of perfection, 100 stands for understanding that is added through experience… So, have i attained perfect understanding and experience in blogging?? Of course not (yet). I think i’m still far, and hope to carry through with this writing hobby. =)

I’m trying to just summarize what i’ve really wrote, esp those that are very thought-worthy and good for remembrance. In no proper order, they are as below:
- I sighted a rainbow, sometime after i decide to follow my heart, and to go to SOT, amist all the worries about bread and butter.
- My thoughts about SOT and how i loved it
- When we did GOHS (Gifts of the Holy Spirit), we moved in the Spirit, and how everyone learnt beyond what we learnt in a Bible study class
- Baby Luvelle Ching Xin Yu came into our lives
- Graduating from Bible School on 16th August 2009
- How i left
- Going to watch the Dead Sea Scrolls (note that my DSS entries are not finished yet. I’m just taking my time. Watch for it!)
- Doggies goes to foster’s because of someone’s shadowy method of emo-manipulation to do this. I ‘salute’ this person for being out-of-the-world selfish, unmannered and manipulative.
- Job updates are still on. STILL hoping for the best, hope that my next update is a good news. And a massive, open praise for the AgEnCy that helped me lots. =)
- M1 selling iPhones by end of the year? But i’m more inclined towards antioxidents! Hahaha.

Now, now, this is what i’ve been really dying to share, about how impressed i’m with this latest (in singapore) type of media advertising.

Watch this

Initially, i was just feeling amused at this flash mob, which means that people just gathered to do something for a while, and then once it ends, everyone just went back to do their own thing – nonchanlantly.

This activity is actually by HTC…. and i’ve been wondering for a few days how this flash mob is promoting the phone. Until, i realized that at the end of it, everyone starting to ‘start talking’ with a ‘handphone’.

Impressive! I seriously think this is the best Flash Mob in Singapore! =)

Await my next interesting entry soon!! Meanwhile, have a great Hallow’n everyone!

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