I must say, Blackberry produces the bestest phones, in my opinion.
Without or With TOUCH-SCREENS!
It’s been about 5 days since i got my BBG (Some says it’s Baby G – the baby of the Blackberry family). And i have been having lotsa fun….. and a lot of fun coming up.
So far, i’ve like 8 friends on my BBM, and and it saves my cost to some extend, esp when my sms records 700+ per month (and remembering that i have only 500 free), and i’m really a very Short Message-Expressions-Overflowing type of person. I love BBM-ing!
Besides that, i’ve been able to update my status on my FB. There’s MSN Messenger loaded in my BB, but i’ve yet to use it yet.
Even though it comes with a camera without flash, but the quality of the pictures, in my opinion is 4/5. Not bad. Having flash is definitely much better. But it’s really good enough even for zooming.
And i’m so glad i got the Blackberry. I think i’ll just kill myself 3 days after getting Steve Job’s phone, because of the touch-screen. Yea, yours truly needs buttons on my phone, and not just a nice to look at, but vomit blood with every touch.
Ed: There’s less entries coming up. It’s been starting to get a bit lazy to blog, but also due to the lack of writable stuff. But i’m gonna keep on looking out for interesting stuff to write about. Maybe it’s a season of writer’s block. For now, i need to pay off my sleep-debt.
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