Thursday, April 29, 2010

Enjoying our work is God’s gift to us

Before i go on, this is a short (hopefully) sharing about this word which spoke to me this morning while on the way to work.

Ever since the iPod Touch came into my life, i’ve been installing applications on it, and one of them is the Bible. So i’ve been reading the Word of God electronically in the morning. And today is exceptionally revelational. =)

Have u ever felt like this?

And every single Monday you feel blue (in the face)?

Cross my heart, of course i do!!

And i guess, everyone at some point in time, hate their jobs. 

At times, people are always complaining about their company that they are working for, the colleagues, the boss, the shit that they have to clear everyday, and even their pay. (Oh please, clear off that innocent not-me look; all of us are guilty!)

In times like this, everyone will become very unhappy in their work. And this leads to drop in productivity, lack of correct attitude at work and even start to complain about anything and everything about work.

While reading on my iPod, i came across Ecclesiastes 3:22

Eccl 3: 22   “So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why we are here! No one will bring us back from death to enjoy life after we die.” 

Being happy in the work that we do, is also an enjoyment. U know, there are people who desire to enjoy life but can’t, even slogging at work, is a luxury to them.

Further reading led to this passage in Ecclesiastes 5:18-20

Eccl 5:18-20   “Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life. And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God. God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past.”

80-90 years of living on this earth is not a long time. (though it may seem like the longest time…)

The job that God has given to us, allows to earn money (which is receiving wealth), and He keeps us in good health (so that we can work and earn money, and not lay sick in bed) so that we can enjoy the fruits of it. This is a gift from God.

So, instead of always complaining about your job, the politics, the people, the environment, the distance, the pay…. Thank God that you have a job, and it allows u to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I guess that’s the source of your LVs, Gucci and all the glorious food comes from.

Throw out all the Monday blues, be happy and learn to enjoy your job. I’m sure no matter how shitty a job is, there’s definitely something about it that you will enjoy. For me, i enjoy my job when i managed to fill up resource requirements successfully, which gives me a sense of accomplishment. But of course, there are some elements in the job which are not that enjoyable…

So, let’s learn to enjoy our work, because it is God’s gift to us.

And YES! Every single Friday, we thank God because the all-time favorite Weekend is here! That’s why we will always T.G.I.F (thank God it’s Friday) =)

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