Saturday, January 01, 2011

11 Goals for the Year 2011

Managed to finish writing this at 2358h on 31.12.2010. ~Phew, just in time~

11 goals set for the year of completion for 2011. =)

1) Save $4,000
Ok, to be frank, i think it’s a comfortable range to save in one year. But of course, that need prudent planning. And careful (and tight) expenditure.

2) More sneakaways
Sneakaway (in Jenna’s dictionary) = a short, one day trip out of Singapore, just doing what i wanna do to relax. I wanna do more massages, more cheap-thrill shopping, eat good food, yet not pay as much as i will in Singapore. So the only 2 places that fill the sneakaways will be JB and Batam. So, if u wanna a one-day sneakaway to these 2 places, look for me!

3 - 4) Read the Bible (and complete it)
Pretty straight-forward. In 2010, i didn’t even complete 50%. In 2009, i was in SOT, so it’s mandatory to finish. To discipline myself, i’ve downloaded a 2011 Bible reading plan. SO hopefully in May 2011, when i evaluate, i hope to show that i’ve been quite update to date with it.

5) Lose 10kg
In Late 2009, i started on my running activity. In late 2010, i’ve evaluated -  lost about 3-4kg. So as i continue to run….. run at least 2 times a week…. i hope to lose the weight and let the loss stay. That takes commitment. I resolve to count my calories more diligently, find out what are the workouts (besides 7km runs) that i can do while not at the track, to strengthen muscles.

6) Better Skin and appearance
I need to be more diligent to do my masks more diligently! Sleeping masks are just not as adequate. I admit, i got a bit lazy in 2010. But for better skin, i’ll do more mask. Besides that, i’ll sleep earlier. And maybe more uses of different products (SK-II miracle essence??? )

And yes, i need to dress better this year, to look better. Better appearance adds confidence.

7) Better Time management
I’m hoping for lesser tuition time commitments and maybe more moola to earn. At 30’s, i think i need more time for myself, need to let loose and enjoy life a bit. I need more cuppas with friends at cafes to chill out, and ponder on life a bit more. I wanna spend quality time with people who deserve and appreciates my time and efforts to.

Maybe i wanna do a basic Jap language course, if time permits. And yes, i need time to run.

8) Effectiveness in Ministry
I wanna be a better team leader. Not just to relate to them in an operational level; hoping to foster stronger friendships in the ministry. And to serve more.

9) 4 (or more) Major RUNS
There are 3 Major runs that i will definitely do this year, namely:
- Sundown 21K (28.05.2011)
- Standchart 21k (TBC on 04.12.2011)
- Nike City 10k (TBC on distance and date)

Though there’s the 2XU Compression Run that i’ve been contemplating for a while, i think i wont’ sign up. (When the clock stroke 12, the early bird rate has ceased)

I wanna do one more run. But i hasn’t got to decide which one. And maybe a few more.

10) Better Relationships
Be it at home, be it at work, be it at CG, be it in the ministry, be it wherever it is.

2010, i hasn’t been a good daughter/sister/auntie cos’ i get obviously much more frustrated with my dad this year, i didn’t really open my heart to little girl (because of my doggies’ incident), and yes, i hasn’t move an ounce of effort to talk to brother’s wife (not that i’m that hard-up for it).

I hope to be a better co-worker at work. I wanna meet requirements and exceed expectations in 2011.

I hope to see myself being a friend to people. To just be a listening ear, if i cannot do anything to help their problems. I hope to be more pro-active in my CG (If nothing serious puts me off). And yes, i hope to be more understanding/forgiving/social (whatever that means)/responsive this year.

I know that if this is where GOD calls me to remain, i will, Despite all that happened in the span of 2009 – mid 2010….

11) Enjoy life to the fullest.
Main thing is to live life happy. I wanna go for sneakaways, getaways, more shopping trips! Have people who i know will love me for who i am, and not have expectations that i definitely cannot/won’t want to meet. 

I like what Dr AR Bernard’s Tweet on the last day of 2010:
As you prepare your new year’s resolutions, remember, affirmations without discipline leads to delusion.

I need to be disciplined in the goals that i’ve set. So i’ve paste what i’ve written on the wall of my table. It’s so in my face. Very hard to miss it! So if i can see it, i can have it!

I spent the first half-hour of 2011, committing this year onto the Lord. I know that it will be a year that i dunno what’s coming up. But i know that God’s grace is there for me (2 Cor 9:8). God is my Shepherd; He will lead me to rest, to a place of quenching of thirst….. through trials and yet He will carry me through. His Rod will chasten me, and yet His Staff will lead me through. (Psalm 23).

So, here’s to 2011. Let it be a fantastic year. Though i dunno what’s in store for me, but i know that my God will lead me through, whether good or bad.



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