I thank God that I’m able to serve at the Opening service on Sunday. We are needed to start the service well at the first service. In other words, I’m going to be part of the ministry that will set the status quo for the rest of the services for the next 3 years we are gonna be there.
I guess I was overly excited or worried…. I couldn’t sleep on Saturday night. Or is it the black forest cake at Cartel? Hmmm. I was rather concerned about whether I could wake up on time at 530am. We had to report at Singapore Expo at 7am for duty. But I went to bed at 130am. And I tried various styles of sleeping, so that I can hear my alarm clock ring and my handphone alarm.
To ensure that i won't oversleep, I tried to sleep without my trusty pillow, where I always drool on [don’t imagine!] in my sleep. It was hard-going. I felt so uncomfortable. So I tried that, and tried to convince myself that if I sleep like that, I will be able to hear the alarm at 5am. Argh. Anyway, I deluded myself until around 3am! Gasp! I’m still not asleep! And Jerby was outside the door, and scratching himself. And I let him in, and decided to have the pillow eventually below my head.
Time went on and on, and 430am, I was still awake. And numerous checks on the alarm clock and the handphone proved that I have lost my beauty sleep. Nua-ing at this time is also useless.. What if I nua too much and end up not waking up! Argh! So I got ready at 5am and stuff like that.
Singapore Expo service
Sorry fellas, I was too busy to take a shot from the console, if not I’ll show the world how excellent the whole place was.
Anyway, for the major ministries such as Security, Media and Chorus board etc, there was a container [white color] at the back of the auditorium. When I saw the container, I thought it was quite big mah. Wrong conception!! Guess what? Chorus board equipment is really very large, with barely enough space to walk on it. And the internet connection wasn’t that fantastic as yet, but it’ll improve with time to come.
With a humongous place will come with … of course humongous crowd! It’s really very huge with people everywhere!! Hahaha.. but we’re more or less accustomed to crowds like this. Going from glory to glory, from strength to strength!! =)
Pst says that wherever we go, there are 2 groups of people who will really love us.
They are the Taxi Drivers and the Food court owners…. Wherever we go we give them business. Hahaha… We can get 10% discount on the food that is sold there. The food there is really expensive, but there’s a lot of food there.
Interview and Shopping Spree at Bugis Village
Went for interview yesterday at St Andrew’s Centre. But I tell u ah, the street directory is really terrible. I tried looking for that building on the book. But I looked for at least 30 mins, and papa also tried to help me find, and we couldn’t find the building in question. So I took a cab in, and have to pay ERP. *sian*
The interview was super short, only find out how I was. Wait again lor, to see if they will put me through the 2nd interview.
In the evening, I met up with Ivy and Carrie for dinner. I wanted to get a new bag for myself, but there wasn’t any nice one yet. Since we were at Bugis, we ended shopping at the Bugis Village. I tell u, that’s Shopper’s Haven [at least, to me]
The things there look so good, and what’s the greatest shocker, is that there’s a 2nd level. Ok i know i'm 山龟出没 [suaku came out of the mountain] … This is my first time up the 2nd level. And it’s totally different, because it’s air-conditioned. And I got my first purchase, a pink belt!!!

So nice right? And it cost only $7.90. Wha wha wha!!! And I saw the shoes that I coveted for quite some time, but didn’t buy it initially, because I wanted to get the bag. But we were walking around, shopping and ended up sitting at Bugis Café to stone, and yeah more food.
It seemed like I will not be able to get my bag.. So I went back there and bought my shoes. I love it because it’s flat [fyi I dislike heels, and it’s a bit like ballet shoes, u know], and it’s silver. It looks like this.

Anyway, this brand of shoes is called Giovanna, which is an extension of M.A.D. Next time when people ask me where I got my shoes, I’ll say this:
I got my shoes from a place called Siao! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Bugis Village will be a place I’ll definitely visit again!!
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