At work.

This picture was taken today (er hem... friday 24.2.06) in the office. Actually thought of blogging in the office while Tony and Rose are out buying lunch. Yeah.. was alone in the office. But then blogging like dunno what to write. So i... took pictures of myself lor. So long never do that liao.. Kinda miss having new pictures in my O2 phone. Have my features changed? Guess my freckles looks lesser though. =)
This is one part of my workstation. And the only part that really shows my workstation... my file.... oh.. my pink Nalgene water bottle... There's a packet of Korean noodles which are supposed to be my breakfast last week, and apparently it's still there. The pack on the right side besides the phone is a packet of grape-flavored marshmallows. (Yum!) My used-to-be-coinbank container has multitasked itself to become my pen holder in the office. There's a white bottle of pills, which is CENTRUM. Vitamin A - Z... So far it's ok... except that i do feel cold suddenly. So far it's been ok.
It's always fun to be in the office. Everyone's crazy in one way or another. I talk to myself, or rather my call list. Tony will self-talk animatedly about the people he's gonna call. Rose will talk to herself, the computer, and even candidate's resume. And Jay (well... He's Tay, not Chou) has just gotten into the habit of self talking. i guess in this line of never-ending talking on the phone, this is really a way to release our stress, though it sounds really lame. Hahaha.... Working in such a stressful environment has made us bonkers in one way or another. But it's really fun working there. Because everyone's crappy and there's never-ending of suan-ing though there's only 4 of us as yet, not to mention our Big Boss [Numa Numa yeah]
Everyone's falling sick... Rose got an allergy attack yesterday, thankfully she's ok today. Tony just got back from MC last 2.5 days ago. As for me, i feel the stress-related sickness coming, but believing that it's not gonna be that. Feel pretty tensed up and very tired. Slept lesser than usual and wake up at like 5.30am thinking i late for work. Haiz. Jia pa liao (That's the most-often-heard mouth waggler within MP, which means "You ah, eat already lah!)
GOD has been good. Have closed another order yesterday. And there was so small hip-cup, but nothing serious. Next week is career fair. It's gonna be busy next week. Got a few BIG orders though. Praise Him!!!!
I still love the Presence song. Have the ringtone in Chorus and even bridge. haha
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