No hard feeling though, i hope, but identify yourself.
Thanks be to God!! Glory to HIM!! Yesh!! U know why? Because of a few things.
1) I can attend my own cg.
Yup.. As u know lah, i have to be on duty for Career fair. Initially on Thursday, then Rachel change with me. Then Friday. I have a few interviews to conduct.... and then Rose change with me. And this allowed me to attend cg on thursday.
2) Sales!!!
Yesh! U know ah.. because i was in the office on Thursday and Friday, i get new orders. Thursday i got a new order (Driver one). Then my client re-open her opening for Sales Coordinator, and sent my candidate to her. And this one is already close as of now. Friday, being in the office, one of my clients called me, gave me an order (Temp telemarketeer) and i closed it at 3pm. (She gave it to me at like 9.30am) . Not just that, i closed my temp a/c assistant position too. And then, good news from my Financial Analyst position. Close also!! Wha.... it's totally AMAZING...
Breakthrough beyond my wildest dream!! Believing for more amazing things to happen!! =)
P.s : so far my placement fees that i've earned for MP is around $3,000 this month, and it's only like 4th March?! AMAZING!!!
It feels great to be closer to my family members. U know ah, today Jason drove me to SUNTEC, while on the way to SIR (He's going to HK tml, representing TAKA Jewellery.) See, my brother, 了不起 right? Though i didn't really tell him, but i'm soooooo proud of him!!! Then not just that, he also visited me at the Career fair. So nice. Have a great trip!! Bring more sales ah. =)
Career Fair
i think i have been too tired this whole week.... Career fair preparations, ISO 9002 certification and Nigel's tests. It literally drove my physically very tiring. And yah, i finished my CENTRUM. Today, i had this stoned look on my face. I'm physically struggling to do my very best at the Career Fair.
The booth was one of the biggest. And surrounding MP booth are SHRI booth and the APMI booth. Guess what? Ad_______ and Ac_________ ___________ are not near to us. Lolx. And our booth did draw quite a bit of people. We were busy about since like 11am till around 8plus. I think it's a great experience to be there. I quite enjoy it, though i know that if i'm not so nua physically, i will enjoy myself even more.
It's all about enjoying your work. U know, i don't earn a lot, but i have gain lotsa satisfaction from my job. I love it!!
Taking care of myself.
Ok, since I've finished my CENTRUM, i went to Carrefour to buy a 60 capsule one.

And it’s sooo much cheaper at Carrefour than other pharmacies.
Yeah. I think it’s good lah. But no advertorial yet… until I see the effects.
Also, I’m so bless…. I got yet, another bag again.

Nice hor? Thank God for the blessing =)
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