Saturday, July 01, 2006

Breakthrough coming in my career

Today is a day of Training in Mass Power Services.

And it's a day where Boss solemnly sat me down. He was very very concerned about sales... And that i hit nothing for June 2006. That was really.... Anyway, he wanted me to stay, but my sales are terrible, and is not stable. So he asked me to choose to go or that i go back to main branch to be re-trained by him.

What do u think i did?

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(Scroll a bit more)

I decided to move back to Bugis Village branch.

What spurred this decision? Well, a few weeks back, Boss said that once to me. And i took it seriously. Even though at that point in time, i did not want to go back to Bugis, but i have the feeling that i should go to go back, if Boss calls me to. i prayed about that like last week... Besides, i know that being under him directly, i will really push myself for more sales. Seeing my sales very cham, of course i need to see things done. I want my confirmation and sales and commission!!!!

Well... I felt a bit emotional when i told him that i was willing to shift back to Bugis. It's a shift to and fro. I was in Bugis branch initially, but was asked to shift to Burlington. And i wasn't really trained well from the start. Well it's going to be a new start for me lah. But, well... with my shifting back, Rebecca will have to shift to Burlington.... Oops sorry gal. Beware of the bullies over there. As for me, the crappiness doesn't reduce. In fact, it's gonna be much more...

I am ready for Boss' scoldings and pushing. Whatever that may come. I want my confirmation, and my consistent sales. =)

Have to start calling my clients to tell them of the shift - again. (-_-)'''

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