Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Singapore Idol : Hady Mirza

Right now as you are reading this entry, the Singapore Idol 2 has FINALLY ended it's run. And the winner is Hady Mirza.

If anyone hasn't realized, I never commented ANYTHING on Singapore Idol - Until now.

And, there are speculations in the papers, that this might really be the LAST of the IDOL franchise in Singapore, seeing that this time round, the quality of the idol-wannabes. And i don't mean the 'Careless Whisperer'. And the people who voted, are touted to vote without thinking, and the host has to remind them to vote carefully.

I guess what took the cake, was when Matilda De Silva was voted out! I watched that episode, and i thought that she might be out, and Joakim still in. And 8 Days really received lotsa letters about why she's out. I mean, Come on lah. She has the best voice, though the aesthetics need more improvement. Anyway, from then on, I didn't watch a single episode, till today. And i was sweating out in the Gym and watching it at the same time.

Anyway, just to report that Hady won. I have no comments to make whatsoever with this years SI. We'll see if the franchise goes on.


I was on my way to my 2nd interview (Well, it's under Prudential lah... May it be strictly HR) and i sat down at BK to eat. So i ate a Large Fries and Barley. Took the nutritional brochure and took a look.

I saw that their french fries DON'T HAVE CHOLESTROL?!?!?!

I don't believe it lor. Seriously, like how is that possible?! I'll ask our Chai Ling to confirm this. Will ask her when i see her the next time.

Await this space.

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