Saturday, December 23, 2006

2 days to Christmas: Getting stuck on the bus

Today, i was at Orchard with Ivy and Carrie for dinner. Then there was some shopping here and there, before plonking at Coffee Club opp Hereen for some grub and coffee. It was good, but i'm kinda tired ( Been fighting fire on the STB project... will talk about that later). I took the 2nd last 143 from Orchard, as usual home. And being tired, i was dozing and yet at the same time mindful of the distance travelled. I don't wanna miss my stop.

So i was sitting at the window seat on the upper deck, and the bus stopped. I noticed that i'm still at Pasir Panjang, and is facing Long House. So i snoozed... and i realized that the bus is not moving. A guy sitting in front of me was standing and staring out of the window in front. I copy him, and i saw that there was a few cars in front, and there were police cars. It seemed that there was a Hatchback that mounted on the kerb on the opposite side (near to NUS entrance to various depts including LKY School of Public Policy etc..). I looked out to the window behind and saw 51, and the last 143 of the day behind. Kena stuck too. That was 12.15am.

I mean, nothing to do, so i snoozed, and waited for the bus to move. I didn't mind that the bus didn't move, was listen to Yasmin on Class95, listened to Michael Buble..... and snoozing somemore..... until 1.15am, the bus took a gostan to do directional change, which the other buses behind took that path, to the other side, before it proceeded to the West Coast Highway before it turned into the slip road to West Coast Road.

My Thoughts....
1) Think all the bus drivers got quite TL because of the accident and got trapped. And maybe anger got the better of them, and they just remained stuck.

2) Finally at 1plus, they got together to decide how they are going to channel the passengers back and themselves ultimately back to all destinations. They worked together to direct the buses and flexi themselves on how they could get passengers to the destinations, despite a different route. Kudos to that. Thanks SBS!!!

3) Because of being trapped for one hour plus, many passengers at West Coast bus-stops got very TL thinking that they missed their bus. Well, no one has anticipated the delay, so don't put the blame on the bus-drivers. They are also delayed ok.

Things to Rejoice!!
I'm very pleased to announce on my blog with regards to

1) e9 Sdn Bhd has shifted to Suite 7.2 Menara Aik Hua (in KL) wef today.

2) e9 Singapore will be moving to IOI Plaza in January 2007. Yup that will be e9's new home in the next 3 years.

3) e9 has won the tender Projects for HPB and *drumrolls* LKY School of Public Policy!!! *Cheers!!!!* And we successfully sent in the tender for STB. *Hip hip hooray!!!*

So proud of e9!!!! :)

We had a laugh-out-loud cum mini-x'mas gathering on Wednesday. It was very enjoyable. Everyone, yes even the MD was casting aside the stress of work, to gather, to cheers to X'mas, and food (glorious food!!!) and e9's funniest X'mas-card-making NG videos. We had an e-card for Christmas this year, and its 2nd version brought much laughter esp with the NG parts... Daniel's the funny man..... Jo's the patriotic one, Lakshika is the hands-on, Ade's the smiley one, Art's the hmmm.... (sorry, can't really have a word for it yet :P ), Earl's is stamford-raffles-cum-singer (chinese vs english).. We have a good laugh. It was a real great time of fei-lo-ship. If u know me, i guess u will receive this e-card from me soon...

My Christmas Wishlist
Well, see soooo many ppl's blog, and they have written down their wish list. I have my wishlist too.

1) A brand new 3G mobile phone (must have good camera function, so can feed my ever-growing nacissism =P )
2) Enhanced California Fitness Gym membership (possible to gimme a best rate?)
3) A brand new laptop (Dell Inspirion, that 12.1''.... something like CBNOTE2)
4) More money!!! (Eh.. this is everyone's desire. Haha)
5) Confirmation at e9 (Amen!!)
6) Brand new sports shoes for gym (Nike, New Balance..... )
7) Car to drive (Hmmm... not practical, but if someone wants to bless me, i don't mind receiving it haha... on Automatic Transmission Vehicle)
8) Class 2B driving license (Oh, paiseh, that should be my resolution for 2007.... akan datang)
9) An all-expense paid holiday to either Australia (I miss Perth), Thailand (yah, Ivy Wong, i know it's a place u said that i will lurve it), or KL (didn't really get to see it in it's entirety when i went for Missions in Aug)
10) New MP3 Player (Hmmm... my current MuVo TX FM is still working well, but 1GB is getting to puny for my music needs. Strictly Creative only)
11) A stylo-milo Courderoy jacket (been yearning for it, but hasn't found a suitable one as yet. Fox one looks nice, but i guess there are better options out there)
12) More accessories and a nice big accessories box to put them in (i have soooo many earrings that i chunk them together until many got spoiled. Haiz. I need more nice necklaces, broaches. NO bangles!!)

Haha.... 12 days of Christmas, 12 different Christmas wishes. I know that many are not attainable, such as no. 7, 8 (have to do it on the sly though). But it's my wishlist, so i know not to expect everything to be given to me on a silver platter. It's nice to know i have so many desires. I shall slowly tick them off when i have the moola!! Hahaha. That happens to be no. 4.


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