Saturday, December 02, 2006

A week of madness

TGIF= Thank God It's Friday!!!

Man! This is one week that i really looked forward to Fridays.

This whole week at work was kinda fast-paced. But it means more challenges, and more hurdles to cross over. Most of it includes happenings in the office.

Co's gonna set up a new Account with **** in Malaysia. And the documents took like eons to come to Singapore. I mean, we are already so urgent with this thingy, and yet **** took the task graciously, but sending it via normal mail (and it's really snail mail....). Guess what, they sent out last friday, and it only reached Singapore on Thursday. Infurating right?! Yes!

So i kinda called **** to diao them and make sure that they send a copy via courier. That was wednesday. The courier came on Thursday. Then the original mail came later than the courier. Angry leh!!

Anyway, to put that aside, filling up the forms is an issue in itself. Yours truly failed Business Law in Dip level, and managed a mere pass at re-take. This kind of forms can really hamtam me and i can really peng-san under these forms. Well, i kinda tu because i stared...... STARED at the form lah. I mean, how to fill them in without mistake? Staring at the forms once every few minutes won't help me fill it up right? Yah...

Well, ETA sat down with me today, giving me instructions on what i need to do, though he has told me before. Seriously, i was really trying to understand what needs to be done. But somehow, it can't connect to my mind (just like the stupid O2 can't sync again.....real pissed. Must change phone soon!!!! ). Thankfully he was very understanding, though i can feel that he's a bit LL-ed... He explained explain explain... then he decided to write out for me.... Being a writing person, i can understand that better.

It was OVERWHELMING............ u know, information overload. Yah, that was what i was. I was kinda closed to tears already because i simply got frustrated as to WHY i can't understand. I'm frustrated at myself lah.

Anyway, he smiled and he said that he understood that it's real overwhelming, but with this experience, it'll be easier for me next time.

me: Next time?! (I blurted) We are going to open another account?

(ETA smiling)

ETA: Yes.... gonna set up another account just in case.....


This week, i have been liaising lotsa with our M'sians outsource a lot. Calling M'sia frequency is more than when i call a Singapore number. Been sending out couriers to different places in Malaysia. Coordinating with contractors for our new office....... Getting the keys... Blah blah blah.

And, just got word regarding to our office..... it's not good news, but we are believing for a better office to come by - soon. Looking forward to the next prayer meeting in the office.

There was an ad-hoc meeting that ETA and execs called for today. It kinda touched on some issues and the challenges we are facing. It's kinda nice to know that we can be upfront and personal with what the company is going through. Rather than give us a ppt presentation, and 'commands' on what to do, but it's an imformal way of sharing information and getting feedback. At the end of it, ETA got all of the colleagues to stand in a circle. For a moment, i thought that he's gonna say (or get Laks/Jo/me) to say a prayer or something....But it's for us to get upfront and closer to one another. But it's really gave me a very nice feeling, that though challenges come, but come what may, unity and having the same vision.... we can do all things! Nothing is impossible!

It's been an intense week. But it's a challenging week. So challenging that migraines start to set in again...... But TGIF!!!!

Next week will be of greater challenges.

Coming up in next entry
Since Art doesn't want to consider blogging about the beer on E9, since he has to blog on Content stuff, i shall put that into my blog. Yes, though i'm no boozer with a beer-belly, but i'm going to take a look at it from a marketing perspective. Yes, another entry from a marketing-trained HR practioneer :) I already know what i want to put in.... it's going to be exciting.

Events running in
- Carolling?
- Christmas weekend (23rd - 24th December)
- Thanksgiving cg (30th December 2006)

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