Saturday, March 03, 2007

16 ways to overcome procrastination

Dear everyone, we are coming quite close to the end of the series of Time Power (in fact i'm late in returning the book... still have 3 chapters to go.... Argh!!!). Anyway, today's series is on the ways to overcome procrastination.


In as much as we want to deny, all of us will have a tendency to procrastinate. And yes, the phrase xie gao tu (hokkien) is being heard very frequently.

I am guilty-as charged.

Was reading this part when i felt that i could share this, to bless everyone out there, who vehemently deny that they procrastinate. Everyone's guilty of it, I'M VERY SURE!

1) Think on paper
This means planning. Brain-storm first. Plan out your duties accordingly. If u fail to plan, you plan to fail. Simple right?

2) Gather all the materials and work tools that you will need before you begin
I remembered that when i was young, when i was having tuition, i will deliberately leave my things around, so that i can have an excuse to tell the tutor that i need to take this, take that. This actually wastes a lot of time, ok.. Waste your parent's money. I reaped what i've sown. Many of my tuition kids did that to me (Argh!!!!)

3) Do small things to get started
This will apply if there are small things. Such as preparing for an event, the small things will include the stuff needed, ensure that the various vendors are contact bla bla bla. Big things can't happen if the small things are not done yet, usually.

4) 'Salami' slice the task
This means the same thing as part 3. Finish the smaller tasks one-by-one... then proceed to do the bigger tasks.

5) Practice the Swiss Cheese technique
We've never really heard about this technique, because , for one, we are not in Switzerland (sorry that's a crappy analogy), and 2ndly, i don't eat chesse (sorry, lagi crappy). Because cheese has a lot of holes, according to Brian Tracy, this means that when u set a task to do something, give yourself a time limit to finish a task.

For e.g: I needed to do attendance report early in the week. It was like 3pm. So as i started to do it, i FOCUS, yet i told myself that i'll give myself up to 4pm to complete it. So in a way, you also push yourself to complete it within the time frame that you've set for yourself.

6) Start from the outside and complete the smaller tasks first
This is exactly what point 3 is about. No need to explain that much right?

7) Start from the inside and do the larger tasks first.
This one will push a person to 'attack' the core issue. Direct opposite of point 6. This will enable a person to go through experiences, and when he comes to the smaller issues, those are like 'chicken feet'.

8) Do the task that causes you the most fear or anxiety.
This is time conscious. Because when u fear of not completion, it must be due to the time-constraints. For e.g ETA's away, so i had to prepare all the stuff to apply for EP for our new Developer, so i had to get him to sign everything etc etc before he runs, because the faster i apply the EP, the sooner he can start work. That was my fear on Wed, before ETA goes.

9) Start your day with the most unpleasant task first
It's like point 7. The most unpleasant tasks are usually the most difficult ones.

10) Think about the negative consequences of not doing the job or completing the task
If i didn't get ETA to sign on all the documents, it means that the candidate will become a illegal immigrant. And he may have to face deportment, and we don't have candidate, and our projects will be delay. See, so negative right. So i have to move first!!

11) Think about how you will benefit from doing the job and completing the task
Ah!!! So i've submitted, know what to do to renew his SVP, so within 2 weeks, he can get his EP, and our project can start on time. We have enough manpower. Cool!!

12) Set aside 15 min during the day when you will work on your project
This 15 mins is not for your to daydream or slack. It's for your to plan out what are the things you are going to do.


13) Resist the tendency toward perfectionism
Okok... It does apply to me, not because i'm a VIRGO (tendency to perfectionism), but there are times where things does not go as well as planned. But follow Nike's JUST DO IT, it may not be perfected at times, but something is done, instead of mopping around and thinking, right?

14) Pick one area where procrastination is hurting you
Here, just pick the most difficult task is for you, and note the consequences of not doing it.

15) Develop a compulsion for closure
When i was doing something, i planned the time. When ppl need me to do something, i'll tell them that i'll note on what to do, and continue my work, or ask them if it's really that Important? (Remember, between urgent and important, u decide lah, what's more urgent) Make sure you finish the tasks before you go on to the next. Try not to do things half-way, and start on other things.

16) Maintain a fast tempo
When you move fast (not always possible), it develops a flow in you to do more things at a shorter time. But it does have it's disadvantages, such as, when u move overly fast, you might create errors that can be irrevocable.

As you can see, we are coming to a close to the series of Time Power. And i've been thinking on what is the next book that i am going to read. But it will really be quite academic like this one. Probably there will be one last entry under Time Power series. Hope it has been a blessing to you, just like it has been to me.

Indeed, you really need to read up to improve. U know, all my Managers in the company reads A LOT??? Yah, so it doesn't mean that you are a degree holder, Masters, or Permanent Head Damage (PHD), you don't need to read anymore. Because, the earth is always spinning, changes will come at any min. U need to be more well-read to keep up.

Don't be lazy!! There's a house filled with gold in every book! =)

Next entry will either be the last part to Time Power, or life story. Stay tune!

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