Thursday, February 26, 2009

I sighted a rainbow today!

I was walking out of my office and towards Bugis Mrt station at about 6.15pm, when i turned my head to the left while walking past Midlink Plaza. And there it was, a rainbow !

But i couldn't be sure, as the weather was relatively darkened by the rainy clouds. And, besides, i hasn't seen a real rainbow in many years!

The rainbows that i've known since young were like these.

Like who doesn't know Care bears slides down a rainbow everyday??

Ok, this rainbow's a bit well-defined, with clouds, but still WRONG!

This rainbow looked a bit more real...

They are all rainbows, no matter how unreal they are. Get ready here to throw all these beautiful pictures of the rainbows out of your window. I'm gonna show you the real rainbow. Not as chio as all these, but it's the real McCoy!

I took this along Manila Street, which is opposite Bugis Junction. So nice! The rainbow was perched over the Bugis Junction Towers.

(Clockwise from top left: At Manila Street and took 2 photos of the same using different lighting; bottom 2 was taken right outside the new Iluma[at]Bugis )

Beyond appreciating the rainbow, i feel very encouraged when i saw the rainbow. Somehow i feel that the challenges, the uncertainties that i subject myself to, i know that the end result is going to be so rewarding. And seeing the rainbow, i felt a prompting in my heart that the days to come are going to get better and greater!

I love rainbows! Because they most probably appear right after a heavy shower and the sun is starting to shine again. It depicts hope, the sweetness that comes right after the heavy challenges are overcomed. =)

Side-Track: Do u know sequence of colors of the rainbow?

Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-Violet (From Left to Right)

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