In my previous entry, it seem that time is racing to the arrival of this day, the moment where a radical change will take place. From a person in the market place, in the workforce, to be a student once again.
I always like being a student. As we Chinese always say 书中自有黄金屋. And the one about where there's endless knowledge available for us to find out. 活到老,学到老. But of course, this time as a student, there are many other factors that i need to think about. Like money. How do i pay for the nitty-gritty stuff? And FYI, i'm paying my own way through Bible school.
Actually, it's a very shiok thing, because u know that there's no study loan to think about, u don't need to feel obligated because u need to do exceptionally well based on others expectations. (esp if they are paying for u, and expected da-da-da results)
Of course, the down side is having to struggle with lack of money, or lack of security. And all those "what-if" questions that u can ask. Yes, i've asked myself countless "what-if''s" da-da-da. And now, with the DAY drawing near, and i'm technically a free person for now. I have all the many many such questions in my head, which i'm constantly repeating to myself, while running with this vision that God has given to me.
But, my GOD is faithful, my GOD is able. And i am 100% sure that on my graduation day, i can stand firm and thank God, that SOT is the best time of my life. My life will be stretched, disciplined, chastised. I will experience growth, breakthrough like never before. And i know that i can do all things, through CHRIST who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)
There's 4 days to go, so i'm preparing myself for what i need to have. In February, i've actually stumbled upon a bag blogshop, and bought myself a nice bag. And i think it's from Taiwan. And i got it at a great price.

I like this bag, because it's big. And hopefully sturdy, but i figured it won't fit my laptop. Hehe... Check out the blogshop. I received this bag about 1 month plus after ordering, but it's worth it lah.
After verbally borrowing from my buddy, i finally borrowed the books from her. And my surprise that it came in the form of a bag.

And the thing that amazes me is that the bag is very strong, despite having so so so many books in it. And it's from Charles & Keith. Well, my cg member [u know who u are], u are the one who bought it, can u verify if it's really from there?? I want to buy a strong bag like this! =)
By the amount of books inside, i figured that it's about 20kg. My buddy was concerned that i'm intending to take a bus home lurging this bag with me. But, i tell u, i took a bus home carrying it! Haha.. But i must say that it's really quite heavy la. And the amount of books are quite a lot, especially with the thickness of them.

Let's see... There's about 6 books here. As i hasn't got the book list yet, but from past SOT graduates, they read these few for reviews. And the biggest of it (i heard) is the Spirit-filled Believer's Handbook.

And, it's the thickest book in the bag. And there's 52 chapters in this book! Wow!!!!!
Not wanting to miss out too much, i've started on to read the books, esp those for reviews.

Yea, i think i better start reading them. Because, i think this is only about half of the books that we need to read up.
Initially i must say, i do feel a bit overwhelmed by so many books to cover. Hahaha.... But i know that if the past 2 batches of SOT students can finish it. I can too!!
Now, what's missing is a foolscape pad and maybe a clip file for lessons.
I am ready and raring to go to school on Monday! And we are so so so bless this year! Pst Phil is gonna share at the Orientation! Woohoo!!
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