Then my SE850I Alarm clock started ringing at 5 mins interval. And i think i was dead to it too.
Then, i felt the lights turned on. And my mom's voice boomed
你这样也可以啊? Set alarm clock 六点,七点才起来??
I think the alarm clocks hate me. I think it's a love-hate relationship i guess. I think i'm the only person i know who can't wake up despite having 3 alarm clocks. Bahhhh....!!
I guess it's a matter of discipline.
I need to log out of the internet, which is a constant source of distraction from my beauty sleep. U see, i love the internet too much, that i practically go into cold turkey without it for one whole day.
But, for my vision and my dream that's coming to pass, and readiness for a life of discipline, i will!
Now's 11.28pm. I shall kick myself out of the WWW by 11.45pm.
1. training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer.
3. punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
4. the rigor or training effect of experience, adversity, etc.: the harsh discipline of poverty.
5. behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control: good discipline in an army.
6. a set or system of rules and regulations.
7. Ecclesiastical. the system of government regulating the practice of a church as distinguished from its doctrine.
8. an instrument of punishment, esp. a whip or scourge, used in the practice of self-mortification or as an instrument of chastisement in certain religious communities.
9. a branch of instruction or learning: the disciplines of history and economics.
Wow. That's a lot of explanation in regards to discipline. Yea. I need to be more disciplined from now one.
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