And being a BodyShop convert, i won't wanna miss the chance of going for the sale yet again! And especially with my tight tuition schedule, and just right, cg was on Tuesday, i (really thankfully) managed to have a Friday free and right in time to visit Suntec for the sale.
Being mindful of what i need, i know exactly what to look for. My mindset to purchase stuff at the warehouse sale differs from last year's. Sadly to say, my purchases for last year, well... i hasn't exactly finish using the body butter, the lavender lotions are sitting somewhere on my dressing table.... This year, i know what i ought to aim for, and knowing that i work on a tight budget with SOT starting in 17 days time, i got to be prudent in what i'm looking for.
Practically, what i need to buy is mainly bathing items, and they are, get this, dirt cheap, when it comes to warehouse sales. Even though i have like 3 250ml bottles of shower gel left, but no harm buying more, right?
I present, my WINS from the Warehouse sale...

It may seem much lesser than what i've purchased, but this is the result of knowing what i need, and knowing that definitely, by the next warehouse sale, i would have definitely used up all of them, i think.
To show u how much i've earned from this warehouse sales, like the previous entry last year on my wins, i'm gonna put in a table to show my profits.
Item Bought | Original Price | Price i paid for | % savings |
Mango Foaming Bath | $19.90 | $10 | 49.78% |
Neroli Jasmine Bubble Bath | $19.90 | $12.90 | 35.18% |
White Musk Shower Gel 250ml | $9.90 each | 2 for $12.90 | 34.85% |
Assorted Bubble Bath 125ml | $7.90 each | 2 for $10 | 36.71% |
Total Spent | $75.40 | $45.80 | 39.25% |
I must say that though my savings at this year's sales is significantly lesser than last year's, but i look it that it's a more worthy investment, because it's definitely practical, because it's a necessity to bathe.
This year's warehouse sale is definitely more stressful than other years, because there's TOO MANY PEOPLE. Not just for the Warehouse Sale, but it happens that the annual IT fair is taking place on the same weekend. So, it's a pain to wait in queue to take the escalator to the 3rd floor, queue to wait to enter the hall to look at the purchases, queuing for 10 mins to make payment, and another 15 min struggle amongst the crowd, smelling weird odours while transpassing through to where one wants to go (turn left/right to another hall to the IT fair, down the escalator to leave Suntec).
To speak, it's really people mountain people sea! The crowd is really chiong-ing for the best deals, wherever they see it to be the ones for them. Good price, best price must buy! Chiong chiong chiong! And in the midst of all the scrambling for IT products and atas toiletries, it seems that we have momentarily forgotten that we are really in the midst of an economic recession. And for that 2 hours of sinking in wherever we are, i guess it lifted up our minds a little from the worries and insecurities that can follow.
I guess this is what people call "Retail Therapy". It does work, i guess. =)
Ps: LAST CALL!! Tomorrow, 14th March is the LAST DAY for the warehouse sale. Chiong for it, before it's too late.... and u have to wait till next year for next Great Body Shop sale!
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