Do not think that 2010 is still far. As i'm typing away, and as u are breathing with every breath, preparations in relation to the Youth Olympics are already underway, be it the physical Olympic Village, or even the web that reaches everyone readily with the click of a mouse.
Now, for a 2 minute History lesson here. This is the Olympic Flag.

Now, there are 5 rings on the Olympic Flag. These 5 rings stands for
- Passion
- Faith
- Victory
- Work Ethic
- Sportsmanship
Being intertwined together, they represent the parts of the world which are won over by olympism and is willing to accept healthy competition. So let us, as Singaporeans, and as citizens of this world, be passionate about this totally meaningful activity.
As part of the showing support for the Singapore Youth Olympic games, this, my humble blog, supports the YOG Million Deeds Challenge!
And as a patriotic (Yeah i am though i don't look it) Singaporean, who's totally estatic that we are the host country for YOG, even as i'm blogging right now, i'm gonna participate in this Million Deeds challenge. And i hope that as u follow me through this process, join in!!
What is this Million Deeds Challenge and how do i participate in this?
This Million Deeds Challenge is about us, whoever u are, wherever u are from, to share briefly on what u did to make an impact to their community, namely, your family, your friends, someone who's underpreviledged etc etc.
As in the title of this challenge, YOG is looking to hear from all of us, of 1 Million deeds of kindness, friendships or excellence that you have shown to someone, who u may or may not know... Actually if 1 in 2 Singaporeans just share one deed, the torch will be able to make its way quickly from Athens to Singapore asap. =)

Now, this is how the interface looked like. Currently this torch is at Athen, so with every deed that we share on this website, it will help the torch to be moved from Athen, to its destination, Singapore, for the Youth Olympic Games.
Gahhhh... we still have 999,878 to go!! Gotta start bringing in the deeds!
Now, i need to register to be a torch bearer... So which means, that when i share a deed of Friendship/Excellence/Kindness, i literally become the torch-bearer, running '1 step' towards our destination.

Once registration is verified, i can post my deed by clicking on the 'Post a Deed'.

Hmmm... Something out of respect, though painful...

And i posted.

There!! So i'm bearing the torch in Greece, towards Singapore!! =)
Now, after 124 people have submitted their deeds, we are still quite far away from having the torch to reach Singapore.
Come on, participate with us, and bring this torch together to Singapore, for the Youth Olympic Games! =)
You can participate as a 'torch bearer' by clicking here.
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