Friday, May 29, 2009

H1N1 arrives on Singapore's shores

H1N1 flu virus got 'imported' into Singapore early this week.

No doubt it's a ngative thing, but for one good thing that came out of it, is that Singapore is prepared for it's arrival.

Today in SOT, Pst B told us to be considerate for one another, that if we are sick, to put on a mask. Because Singapore has a grand total of
4 H1N1 sufferers as of today.

Now, no doubt that the virus came to Singapore through people who are at various countries and came back, and in the process bring in the virus. But, i'm sure that they also did not expect to bring that in. So, if u know of any of these 4 victims who are currently at the CDC, PLEASE ah, don't condemn them. They didn't want it in the first place.

Just like how our lifestyle, the way we lived, the experiences that we have, can open doorways for evil spirits to come into our lives.

They are responsible ppl who decide to 'surrender' themselves to CDC to get treated, and to ensure that people who are in contact with them physically are on Home Quarantine.

How to ensure that you protect yourself:
a) Take care of yourself.
-Meaning, eat whatever u need to eat to build ur immunity: such as Vitamin C, B12, B11, Vitamin D...
-Sleep early

b) Protect yourself from those with flu
- Make them wear a mask... or u can wear the mask. (nah, get the sick one to wear the mask la)
-If u have the flu, wear your mask, and do all that's in Part A
-Beyond that, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, clean it dry, and ensure that you don't anywhere touch (that's important, ok)

Well, H1N1 is under control, so instead of worrying if u are the next person to kena, do what u can, protect yourself from any sickness. That's utmost important as our role as Singaporeans.

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