Friday, October 09, 2009

New Resume release =)

I’ve been sending out a lot of resumes, and have my fair share of frustrations just looking out for a job.

Sitting at The Frontier, i was sending resumes upon resumes, and thinking that all these will come to nothingness. Just then, an ex-colleague popped up on an msn window, and we started talking. Since i’ve accidently sent him my resume, he just cheekily asked me for my full-name…

So out of curiosity and sian-ness, i asked him what he thought of my resume. And true enough, he commented that it’s a bit overly-detailed.

Of course it’s detailed! It’s 7 pages worth!!! I guess, it’s a nightmare for the recipients to look through my resume. Maybe it’s a kiasu streak in me to put every other thing that i’ve done, in various companies. And a bit overly detailed. [the C-ness in me has unleashed like 199% in my resume].

While writing this out, i remembered a time where i saw a resume for some manager position, where this person’s resume is like 20 pages worth!!! And i remembered just feeling irritated just screening through, cause what u wanna see and know and what u don’t wanna see and know are all written in it. Suddenly it dawned on me that i’m also doing the same thing!! No wonder i’m not receiving more calls!!!

So, while waiting for my tuition to start, i started looking out for templates to draft out my resume. And thankfully, such websites are readily available and within 1 hour, my 2009 edition of Jenna Ching’s resume is ready to go!! And it’s only about 1.75 pages long! How’s that for a new start? =)

To help those who are thinking WHY u are not receiving any responses, even though u have a good job profile, maybe your resume is working against you.

I read something from here which i thought will be quite useful and thought-worthy:

a) A good résumé is a glorified application.
This type of résumé explains to the hiring manager the following information in this order: dates of employment, companies, titles held, and job functions. It concludes with when and where you received your education. It is good because the hiring manager can get a clear summation of your past experience and education.

b) A great résumé is a marketing brochure.
This résumé highlights the scope and depth of your experience. It describes the expertise you have developed throughout your career that relates to your future employer's needs. A great résumé communicates a compelling reason for the prospective employer to need and want your services.

So, with this in mind, i just gave what i needed to provide in my new resume, giving the gist and keeping unnecessary details out. I also updated all my resumes in the job portals for applications purpose too. But though i may not know if this new resume is great, otherwise, it’s a good enough resume. =)

It seem to be effective, since i was awoken this morning by a call from an agency which i’ve seen, and got my resume submitted to 2 companies. Now my next step is just praying and hoping for the best for a response or an interview appointment. But of course, i’m not hanging on my laurels yet. I’m still gonna keep applying and applying.

Philippians 4:13
”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

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