*** Sorry for the lack of entries. Hasn’t got much inspirations to blog, until i laid my hands on this box of Rose Water Masks.
Anyway, as i was saying, i bought a box of Watson’s Rose Water Masks.

And it comes in a box of 5 masks.
Now, if u can remembered my 3rd most recent entry about my weakness for masks, i actually had a relatively wide experience of using various brands of masks. And i actually rated the Watson’s Mask at 3/5. However, to disclaim right now, this only applies to Lavender,Camomile masks.
If u can actually feel right now, that i’m solely blogging about this special flavor of masks – Rose Water.
Now, as a responsible blogger, i need to give facts, right? And here i am giving u facts!
According to this website, the benefits of rose water includes:
a) It prevents wrinkles!!!
b) It’s a great facial toner
c) It’s a natural aromatic perfume
d) It sooths the skin when it gets tanned or sunburnt
e) Oil control for the skin
And i’m gonna show u the difference when i use this mask.
Firstly i need to remove all makeup, contact lens and wash cleanse my face properly.

I know, i looked very chui. And u can see A LOT of freckles on my face.
Then i took one face mask out.

See, this mask says Revitalizing (prevents wrinkles, but if u already have wrinkles…….) and moisturizing.
And i put on the mask

Seriously, NO ONE OWES ME $$!!
Hahaha… I dunno why, but whenever i put on a face mask, i can never manage a smile cos of all the restrictions on my facial movements.
Then i need to set the timer. Usually it will take about 15 – 30 mins.

This is the back side.

This is the front side.

Smiley face appears means that i can remove my face mask! End of masking activity!

Post-masking activity. My skin feels moisturized and supple. My 2 strands of hair also wanna do mask….. =.=”
My ratings of Watson’s Rose Water mask: 4/5
If u wanna try this mask, quickly go to any Watson’s store to get it. It’s available either in a box of 5 masks at $5.95, or at $1.95 for 1 mask. While stocks last.
The reason??
Watson’s seems to be phrasing out this series of masks, and a new series of face masks are starting to appear on its shelves. Though i definitely will try them, but i will miss the Rose Water masks!!
Maybe… i should think of making Rose Water on my own. =)
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