This year, i resolve to love myself.
Sometimes, it’s really hard for one to love him or herself. Seriously, when things really happen, one can only blame oneself on the decisions made and the consequences can only be attributed to oneself.
Just like with other issues. Your biggest critic is only yourself.
So this year i want to say to myself is this : I want to love myself a bit more. I don’t want to self condemn myself, i don’t want to make myself suffer due to a lack of physical stamina. (last year when i attempted to conquer the Mt Faber, i nearly didn’t make it down, because just 20 mins into the climb, i pengsan-ed, for a lack of sleep and physical stamina).
And of course, it also leads to good health, when i learn to exercise on a regular basis. My grandmother has a history of diabetes, and stroke, my grandfather had some condition which i can’t remember. My dad, if he doesn’t watch his intake of sugars, visitations from ants will come. And i do run a high risk.
I want to live my life well. Despite a really challenging 2009, i know that i’m stepping into another milestone of my life. Whether if i like it or not, i’m no longer able to call myself ‘in my twenties” And this is even more reason that i need to be healthy and live my life well. I guess, priorities have shifted with aging.

This is the only picture i can find of the run that i’m aiming to go for. Apparently this is for the KL Standard Chartered run. The Singapore run will be in December 2010. Which means that i have 11 months to train for it.

Ii think this was last year’s one. But u get the drift.
I’m gonna train and await for Nike Race to open, and then i can register for it. If i’m not wrong, it should be in October. To speak, i would probably have about 9months to train for it.
It’s been about 3 weeks that i've started with my exercising. I’ll gym 2 times in the weekdays – Tue/Wed and Friday (before cg), and swim on Sundays. And so far i’m loving it! And slowly getting into the momentum of running.
My progress has been very slow, but i think i can hit like 1km in 10 mins. So i’m looking forward to slowly increase my speed, and run in a longer while before resting.
There’s a few more runs that i’m considering before chionging for these 2. But will need to see how my stamina will build up till March.
And i do want to make it happen!! And this year there will be a healthier and a happier me!!
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